
A bit about myself

03 Jun 2005 14:34 #1425 by Dru1076
Replied by Dru1076 on topic Re: A bit about myself
In case you wondering, I'm 28, I live and work in a small coastal town in New South Wales and discovered the work of Sharon Best many moons ago when Aurora was pissing off mosquitos and AK was just an "Other Voice". If asked to name a favourite author, I would have to decline. If asked what my favourite story was, I would have to say: Hell, i love 'em all. If asked why I enjoyed them so much, I'd say if you don't already understand, then you can't be told.


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20 Jul 2005 08:16 #1814 by bionicskillz
Replied by bionicskillz on topic Re: A bit about myself
The first time I saw Jamie Sommers whack a baseball into the atmosphere, jump over 30 foot fence or bend steel in her bare hands, I was hooked. There is something about a beautiful woman moving in slow motion and displaying superhuman abilities that excites me(I'm sure you all can empathize). Thank god the Wachowski Bros. have made it a trend.

I am BionicSkillz. My real name is Chris

I've lived in New York City my whole life. I just hit Thirty. I have a degree in Illustration. I am coming out of my shell thanks to you people who seem to like what I draw. I am currently working on a portfolio to break into the comic book industry. Aside from my Ubergirl fancy, I love comics, sci fi, and video games. I want to do it all but it always leads back to Ubergirls.

I will continue to pump out more artwork for the fantasy that fuels my fire.


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11 Aug 2005 02:47 #2079 by red wolf
Replied by red wolf on topic Re: A bit about myself
I was thee_red_wolf until Yahoo! zapped my account and groups back in Feb of 2004. I used my old redwolfe72 for a while; now I'm back as thee_red_wolf2

And Yes, I changed the names of my groups back to TRWsWonderWomen.

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13 Aug 2005 03:22 #2104 by CaptainIrishman
Replied by CaptainIrishman on topic Re: A bit about myself

I was thee_red_wolf until Yahoo! zapped my account and groups back in Feb of 2004. I used my old redwolfe72 for a while; now I'm back as thee_red_wolf2

And Yes, I changed the names of my groups back to TRWsWonderWomen.

how ya wolf :D
good to catch ya before the ould work load hits
did ya like yer pressie? :D

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13 Aug 2005 03:23 #2105 by red wolf
Replied by red wolf on topic Re: A bit about myself

I was thee_red_wolf until Yahoo! zapped my account and groups back in Feb of 2004. I used my old redwolfe72 for a while; now I'm back as thee_red_wolf2

And Yes, I changed the names of my groups back to TRWsWonderWomen.

how ya wolf :D
good to catch ya before the ould work load hits
did ya like yer pressie? :D

Very much so. :D

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19 Aug 2005 23:50 #2180 by mikeyfreedom
Replied by mikeyfreedom on topic Re: A bit about myself
My name's Michael. I'm 27 and live in Glasgow, Scotland. I've been interested in the genre for close on 5 years now, more along the transformation side of things, which come out a lot in my writing. First noticed the scene through RedFive's awesome Alter Ego site. Favourite stories are a New Life(can't for the life of me remember the author..was a huge multi-part story on Alter Ego), and the Adventures of Sara Corel. When I'm not putting my superheroine fantasies into print, I play the odd game of baseball when I get off from work, and am training in the art of pro wrestling.

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20 Aug 2005 00:19 #2183 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Re: A bit about myself
Is your baseball the same game we play in the U.S.?

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20 Aug 2005 00:44 #2185 by mikeyfreedom
Replied by mikeyfreedom on topic Re: A bit about myself's not exactly funded well, but with live baseball now getting shown over here, the game is picking up a serious following. There's around 40 senior teams now in the UK, although the best the british league gets is usually a recap of the final four tournament held down in brighton every year. My team made it last year into the 2nd tier championship playoffs and finished 3rd which isn't too bad.

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20 Aug 2005 02:32 #2188 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Re: A bit about myself

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20 Aug 2005 07:50 #2191 by marknew742
Replied by marknew742 on topic Re: A bit about myself
I'm 48 and I live just outside London, England. I moved over here from the US quite a few years ago and I think it's great here. Even the weather. I don't miss ten degrees Fahrenheit with a wind chill of minus 5, although I do miss baseball.

I do a lot of writing in my work, but it's a more serious and sober output than what you see here and the other places I post my stories. I've been writing erotic superhuman and muscle girl fiction for over ten years, and writing it in my head since I was, say seven. My interest in strong women dates back at least 45 years, when my grandparents took me to a museum and I stared for several minutes at an eight foot tall polished black marble statute of a muscular greek goddess. And when I was five, a very strong neighbor girl and I wrestled for an afternoon. That clinched it.

I bought DC comics for five or six years, the Silver Age years, and fantasies based on superheroines and on ordinary girls gaining superman's powers have been an erotic wellspring for me for years.

Now I live in a country where the most important workout for young ladies is the lifting of a pint or two or three or four in the pub. So their right biceps are just slightly enlarged. But I have this website, Diana's and Lingster's, a wife who loves the gym, and my imagination. Life is good.

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03 Sep 2005 06:02 #2324 by dcmatthews
Replied by dcmatthews on topic Re: A bit about myself
I'm three years older than marknew742, and hate reminding myself I'm that old. Honestly, I'm a 25-year-old trapped in a (rapidly decaying) old geezer's body!

Live in Orlando, Florida, and work at (but not for) Walt Disney World; currently drawing caricatures near the Brown Derby restaurant at Disney-MGM Studios. Married for 28 years (and counting!) to a wonderful woman named Janet, who qualifies as an ubergirl just for putting up with me and my "interests" for this long.

My main hobby is my website, DCM Studios Online - "Extreme heroines and muscle-girls galore!" - from which I inflict my illustrations and comics upon a hapless world.

I'm currently trying to juggle three ongoing comics series:
  • Satin Steele, about a woman bodybuilder and her quest for the sport's top title;

  • Tetsuko, a "manga-style" muscle-girl who'll find herself drawn (no pun intended) into uncanny and outrageous adventures;

  • and Dyna the Damsel Dynamo!, an actual superheroine in the mold of Supergirl and Mary Marvel

I accept commissions very infrequently, since between work, family 'n' friends and my online comics I have little free time; but sometimes if you catch me in just the right mood with an idea that tickles my fancy, who knows?

Well, that's about it for now. Back to lurking!!

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04 Sep 2005 18:50 #2325 by Ordo Cabaal Templarus
Replied by Ordo Cabaal Templarus on topic Re: A bit about myself
Hi, I'm John Tokarek Jr. , and at the time of this post, newly 21 years old. I live in Fremont, California, working at a software company, packaging. I'm known here as Ordo Cabaal Templarus.

I'm autistic and the notion of powerful women has always appealed to me ever since elementry school, in one way or the other. My outlook, however, is radically different from many people's, and at times, can be imcom...uncom....not fully understood.

Stories and series worth of stories come and go, but I try to learn from them and put what I've learned into the next series that comes up. I've been experimenting more than solid writing, and hope one day to atucually finish a story and get on with the next part of the series. What I do for my stories is basically take hashes of other works and put them together, and then go from there. Not a likable tactic, but it works fine for me...


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06 Sep 2005 15:32 #2341 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A bit about myself

My main hobby is my website, DCM Studios Online - "Extreme heroines and muscle-girls galore!" - from which I inflict my illustrations and comics upon a hapless world.

..and it's absolutely awesome, DCM. Brilliant artwork, great story. Everone should check it out!!

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06 Sep 2005 16:05 #2342 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Re: A bit about myself
Agreed! Welcome aboard, David! Please feel free to keep everyone updated on your great artwork/blog updates!


My main hobby is my website, DCM Studios Online - "Extreme heroines and muscle-girls galore!" - from which I inflict my illustrations and comics upon a hapless world.

..and it's absolutely awesome, DCM. Brilliant artwork, great story. Everone should check it out!!

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07 Sep 2005 05:37 #2350 by dcmatthews
Replied by dcmatthews on topic Re: A bit about myself
Thanks for the kind words!

(I'm just a big ol' ego-boo sponge...)

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17 Sep 2005 00:48 #2531 by Bully_pup
Replied by Bully_pup on topic Re: A bit about myself
I'd like to echo Larafan in saying welcome aboard! Big fan here!

I've been stopping by your site for a few years now, I think all of your characters are great!

Just a hunch, but I take it you like stopping by Hooters from time to time?

bully_pup -- Kelly

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17 Sep 2005 05:56 #2544 by dcmatthews
Replied by dcmatthews on topic Re: A bit about myself

I'd like to echo Larafan in saying welcome aboard! Big fan here!

I've been stopping by your site for a few years now, I think all of your characters are great!

Just a hunch, but I take it you like stopping by Hooters from time to time?

bully_pup -- Kelly

Oh? Where would you get an idea like that?

(in other words... yes!)

...and thanks for the compliments!

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23 Sep 2005 04:32 #2673 by Bully_pup
Replied by Bully_pup on topic Re: A bit about myself
You know, I've met some incredible females at Hooters, but never one like that!

bully_pup -- Kelly

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12 Nov 2005 08:51 #3504 by dr lazarus
Replied by dr lazarus on topic Re: A bit about myself
Like YAGS, I'm a 30-ish single American guy, and I too like Giant women, as well as women with supernatural powers (like Jeannie from I Dream Of Jeannie, Samantha from Bewitched, and Lisa from Weird Science), and of course, women with super-human powers, which is why I'm here. For me, the whole appeal of superwomen is that it turns the concept of "the weaker sex" on its head, and the weaker the woman looks, the more I like it. That is to say, the more feminine and fragile a girl looks, the more I want to see her as a super girl. Not to put down people who like more muscular gals, but they don't really appeal to me. I'd rather see a girl who looks like she could barely carry a couple of bags of groceries, like say, Keira Knightley , walk into a gym and pick up a 500lb barbell with her pinky. That's one of the reasons I like Conceptfan's stories, because he always makes references to the super girl's "slender feminine arms" or what have you. They are never described as having huge muscles. Before I discovered CF's site, almost all the stories I found were about very muscle-bound women.

I'm also not that interested in normal women that can kick ass, like say Charlie's Angels or Trinity from The Matrix, or even more-than-normal women like Max from Dark Angel, though I think they're cool.

My ideal superbabe would have the following powers:

super-strength (infinite)


super-senses (with complete control over them):
  • super-breath of various types (super-powerful, cold, hot)
  • super-vision of various types (telescopic, microscopic, heat, x-ray; also the ability to project images -- both still and moving)
  • super-hearing
  • super-smell
  • super-taste (super-sensitive taste-buds, with the ability to taste any substance and analyze it faster and more accurately than the most sophisticated laboratory)
  • super-touch (the ability to, say, feel the print on a page)

super-vocal chords (the ability to create ultra-high frequency and ultra-low frequency sounds; the ability to destroy organic and non-organic matter with the power of her voice; and the ability to reproduce any sound perfectly, like a human tape-recorder)


flight (including the ability to fly through outer space)

I lean more toward the "evil" superbabe, but I also don't mind stories about good super girls who like to save people. Besides, there's no rule that says they can't kick the sh*t out of the bad guys.

My main criteria for a woman to be a super: if I think she's hot, then she can be super. :)

Ursa. Her time has come.

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12 Nov 2005 15:17 #3508 by jdrock24
Replied by jdrock24 on topic Re: A bit about myself

My main criteria for a woman to be a super: if I think she's hot, then she can be super. Smile

Mine too!! Welcome to the board. :wink:

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16 Nov 2005 04:41 #3534 by WhitePaw
Replied by WhitePaw on topic Re: A bit about myself
Ok, a quickie for the soundbyte file:

I'm White Paw, Paw for short, Raja if you must--and a bit of an AI. I'm really out West Coast USA (pretty much all of it), with counter-romantic musings of Uzbekistan.

Been sketching "non-family-show" superheroines since 1978-ish, mostly kryptonian-class n' such. Started hack-ups in a bootlegged copy of Photoshop 3.0 back in 1995. Could never squeeze a plot out of my skull until after reading Yosh's "Serena" a few years ago, but been writing never since.

Mid thirties now and just learning that 'better' stuff I'm supposed to know. I liked Shadar's first-ever story, but nothing of the whole AU since. Julie's DKS influenced me most. My tastes and writing style are just wildly unique is all-- I'm accustomed to being... not exactly popular. I'm all about creativity and high-voltage delivery. Too high voltage for most it seems.

"Iczer", the fanboy artist, was obvioulsy also very influential to my style. Wish he'd do more. And that of the very few artists I like. Keep it up!

Oh, and I do like a certain few of VE's old works...because I wrote them all. :wink:

Ok, getting too long for a soundbite. C'ya round :P

-White Paw

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18 Jan 2006 18:27 #4184 by Newshound
Replied by Newshound on topic Re: A bit about myself
Hi all :)
I'm a 40-ish male.
I've worked all over the world in the oil industry.

I've been attracted to supergirls & giantess since I was too young to remember so, I have no idea how it started. Both genres fascinate me equally.

I like friendly supergirls though conceptfan's bad supergirls is an attractive alternative. I don't enjoy gore though. I write some short (really) short stories disguised as pseudo news reports. I look forward to posting some here :)

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19 Jan 2006 09:54 #4196 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: A bit about myself
Welcome to SWM, newshound! Thanks for the name-check.

I'd love to read one (or preferably more) of your "news reports". Maybe you might think about submitting one for the next SGI Short Story Workshop? (See the SGI Workshops forum for more info).

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28 Jan 2006 18:09 #4291 by snl2004
Replied by snl2004 on topic about myself
Hi to all
I'm a 30 years old male from Spain. I'm a college teacher.
Although I've been an admirer and ocasional colaborator of supergirls different webs until today I never had posted nothing here about myself
I'm a great admirer of writers, collagers, drawers,... I like any kind of super powered girls work, specially when they like to use thei powers to create havoc and bat things.... I like your work, conceptfan! :)
I started with this "hobby" when I was a kid and I played with my sister to supegirl games, where she was super powered and I was a poor mortal...since then, I continued with my own collages and stories, although never published except some at a yahoo group time ago.
Greetings to all members

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12 Jan 2007 04:17 #7887 by smashed
Replied by smashed on topic Re: A bit about myself
Hello everyone!

I'm 37 year old male from the Philippines. I am definitely not a violent person in real life, in fact, I’m a timid and reserved type. But there’s also a part of me that is absolutely addicted to evil superwomen and so, I would say, that Dru and Conceptfan are my two most favorite writers of all time!

Since my younger days, I’m already into strong and powerful women. I first indulged myself with Darna (Philippine’s local supergirl), Wonder Woman (Lynda Carter) and lots of Chinese Martial Arts Movies where fragile looking women can easily subdue several male opponents singlehandedly. I did enjoy those stuffs at that time but they’re not what I actually imagined.

It was not until I bumped into the works of Dru and Conceptfan that I finally found something that completely satisfy my fantasy! – An extremely attractive, evil superwoman that remained undefeated (not even a scratch) at the end of the story. Wow! :D

Cheers and thanks to Dru and Conceptfan!!! 8)

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