
Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!

30 Aug 2006 22:06 #6670 by lfan
Workshop 1.9 is ON!!! was created by lfan
Announcing the Supergirls Incorporated Story Workshop 1.9

Workshop topic (chosen by DKC, author of the story that gained most votes in Workshop 1.8):

"To Be Continued! Try your hand at writing a sequel/continuation to an SWM or ubergirl classic piece of fiction -- whether it be your own or someone else's *"

* NOTE: Writers should get permission of the original author before penning sequels to others' works. Any complaints from the original author may result in entries being taken down and disqualified.

Word Limit: No limit. Entries can be any length.

Deadline for submission: Sept 30th, 2006

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30 Aug 2006 23:41 #6674 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Dang! I should have held on to "Damsels and Dragons." :x

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30 Aug 2006 23:59 #6675 by YAGS
Replied by YAGS on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Do "alternate endings" count or do they have to be sequels?

Also, why only a month to write it? Don't we normally have 2 months or more?

Honestly not sure what to do with this one, but I'm sure I can come up with a few ideas.


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01 Sep 2006 05:05 #6681 by YAGS
Replied by YAGS on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!

Do "alternate endings" count or do they have to be sequels?

Also, why only a month to write it? Don't we normally have 2 months or more?

Honestly not sure what to do with this one, but I'm sure I can come up with a few ideas.


Another question: What about prequels? Or stories that overlap in time period with the original?

I actually have vague ideas in mind for sequels/continuations for all 3 of my previous stories here on SWM. I'm just not sure if I have enough details in mind and/or enough time to actually write them. And one of them is only tangentially related, not really a sequel, especially since none of the characters from the original appears in the followup.

Despite the fact that "Celebrity SuperAgent" was supposed to be a preview scene to a much longer story, I just haven't been motivated to actually write that story, mostly because I don't really know where I'm going with it. That's the one that inspired my prequel question, though. The preview scene that's already posted here will probably end up being chapter 2 or 3 of the ongoing story, so I'm wondering if the chapter that comes before it would count for this workshop. I'd say that qualifies as a "continuation", wouldn't it?

After the low participation in recent workshops, I'm determined to enter this one, just to contribute. Other than my own stories, I'm trying to think of what else I've ever had sequel ideas for. There's always the old standard "Ursa's Revenge" sequel to Superman 2. I had an alternate ending in mind for the "UltraWoman" episode of Lois and Clark.

I've even had vague ideas for sequels to a couple of stories posted by others here, but I doubt if I'll go that route. If I decide to try that, I'll contact the original authors privately.


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02 Sep 2006 17:09 #6690 by marknew742
Replied by marknew742 on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
I give permission to anyone wishing to use my stories for purposes of this workshop. But just for this workshop.


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02 Sep 2006 21:38 #6691 by ace191
Replied by ace191 on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
DC and the Luna Brothers own all the characters in my stories, so obviously, I would have no complaints if someone wanted to use one of mine.

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02 Sep 2006 22:35 #6692 by xoronewithnature
Replied by xoronewithnature on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Not that anybody would really want to use one of my stories, but if you do, feel free.

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06 Sep 2006 01:29 #6731 by mikeyfreedom
Replied by mikeyfreedom on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!

Christ, that ain't happening....I'll need to submit maybe the first chapter of a story then....I am determined one day to write Book 2 of Bolt From The Blue, so maybe this will give me the oomph to get it off the ground.

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07 Sep 2006 18:56 #6749 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
I think I might take you up on that offer, Mark! :) Details in my PM.....


I give permission to anyone wishing to use my stories for purposes of this workshop. But just for this workshop.


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07 Sep 2006 20:30 #6750 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Larafan wrote:

<<* NOTE: Writers should get permission of the original author before penning sequels to others' works. Any complaints from the original author may result in entries being taken down and disqualified. >>

Does that rule out a comic sequel to SUPER EX-GIRLFRIEND, or are talking just SWM and other genre authors here?

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08 Sep 2006 01:51 #6760 by YAGS
Replied by YAGS on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!

Larafan wrote:

<<* NOTE: Writers should get permission of the original author before penning sequels to others' works. Any complaints from the original author may result in entries being taken down and disqualified. >>

Does that rule out a comic sequel to SUPER EX-GIRLFRIEND, or are talking just SWM and other genre authors here?

I think it's safe to assume he was just talking about the locals. As far as I'm concerned, mainstream media works (movies, tv, comics, etc) are fair game. Now "The Awakening", on the other hand...


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08 Sep 2006 02:05 #6762 by YAGS
Replied by YAGS on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
This may sound like an odd request, but any chance we can add a month to the deadline for this one? Or can we at least trade the deadlines on workshops 1.9 and 2.6? I've got two reasons for this.

First, it just makes sense that the one with the longer possible word count should be given more time. More time to write more words, after all.

Second, the theme for 1.9 is sequels to previous stories. I'm just about done with my workshop 2.6 story, and it's an "origin story" that was intentionally designed to set up what comes next. You can see where I'm going with this. I haven't definitely decided if that's the sequel I want to write yet, but having the workshops in this order narrows my options.

So how about it?


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08 Sep 2006 17:37 #6778 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Makes sense to me.

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14 Sep 2006 14:14 #6807 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
OK, have been out of town so been a little absent to respond. As the curator of the workshop, hopefully the follwing will help answer some questions:

1) Concerning deadline....the deadline stays as planned! I reserved the chapel and the invitations have been ordered already so we cannot move it, sorry! I DO realize this is pretty aggressive and might limit entries from some, but there are other constraints (travel) that were some of the root of the cause for the early deadline. Please note that any late entries (as well as entries for ANY workshop topic) can be submitted at anytime! Hopefully, we'll get a good turnout (any show of hands), but it is what it is.

2) Concerning others' properties (for example Super Ex).....frankly, in my mind ANYTHING from the fan-fiction realm is game. If the creator of Super-Ex (Don Payne) doesn't complain, it will be fine....

3) Concerning Awakening....sure, go for it!

4) Concerning Lfan's other stories (if anyone cares), anything IN the SWM library is fair game. A few select pieces that may be floating around that are NOT in the SWM library I respectfully ask to leave alone for this exercise.

Its also important to note I think to "review" the definition of the Workshops as they have done by the de facto "long" and "short" codenames for a while now. There is no "Long" workshop! The 1.x workshop is free-form, no minimum or limit of words which often lends itself to longer stories, but please do not feel it HAS to be long -- it doesn't. The only workshop requirement is that 2.X submissions need to be less than 1,000 words -- that's it!


This may sound like an odd request, but any chance we can add a month to the deadline for this one? Or can we at least trade the deadlines on workshops 1.9 and 2.6? I've got two reasons for this.

First, it just makes sense that the one with the longer possible word count should be given more time. More time to write more words, after all.

Second, the theme for 1.9 is sequels to previous stories. I'm just about done with my workshop 2.6 story, and it's an "origin story" that was intentionally designed to set up what comes next. You can see where I'm going with this. I haven't definitely decided if that's the sequel I want to write yet, but having the workshops in this order narrows my options.

So how about it?


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14 Sep 2006 21:22 #6814 by YAGS
Replied by YAGS on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
In that case, I'm probably out for workshop 1.9. My story for 2.6 has already been submitted.

I do have sequel ideas for pretty much all of my stories here on SWM, but they're all ideas that lend themselves to long stories, and I don't want to submit anything half assed. If I'm going to write sequels, I'm going to take a couple of months to do it right, now just rush something out in a couple of weeks. The one story I could maybe write a short sequel to is the one I submitted for workshop 2.6, but that wouldn't make sense as an entry to 1.9, since you'd be getting the sequel before the first part.

I'll think about maybe doing a fan-fic sequel to someone else's work - probably Superman II - but I'll have to think about it. With the deadline only 16 days away, I doubt if I'll have time.


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20 Sep 2006 14:43 #6863 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Am working on my story, if I can stay in one place for more than 48 hours. Nevertheless, I WILL have at least one story done for the Workshop. Since Marknew is not big on sequels, I took matters into my own hands (with his blessing). Hopefully, will do the story justice. Which one you may ask? You'll have to wait and see....

Any other takers?


In that case, I'm probably out for workshop 1.9. My story for 2.6 has already been submitted.

I do have sequel ideas for pretty much all of my stories here on SWM, but they're all ideas that lend themselves to long stories, and I don't want to submit anything half assed. If I'm going to write sequels, I'm going to take a couple of months to do it right, now just rush something out in a couple of weeks. The one story I could maybe write a short sequel to is the one I submitted for workshop 2.6, but that wouldn't make sense as an entry to 1.9, since you'd be getting the sequel before the first part.

I'll think about maybe doing a fan-fic sequel to someone else's work - probably Superman II - but I'll have to think about it. With the deadline only 16 days away, I doubt if I'll have time.


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25 Sep 2006 07:02 #6886 by ace191
Replied by ace191 on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
As the deadline is rapidly approaching, I actually started my entry tonight.
Expect my usual major league whinning for "just a few more days" to begin in about 3-4.

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25 Sep 2006 14:57 #6890 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Trying to whip up a semi-comic sequel to SUPER EX with the help of my wife Velvet.

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28 Sep 2006 01:47 #6905 by ace191
Replied by ace191 on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Mrs. Ace is going to drag me away for the weekend, so there is no way I can make the deadline. How about an extension until Monday 10-9-06 which will give me another weekend to work on my entry?

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28 Sep 2006 04:09 #6906 by lfan
Replied by lfan on topic Deadline Extended: 10/15/2006
Due to the abbreviated timeframe and repeated requests for extensions, the Workshop deadline for 1.9 wil be extended to 10/15/2006. At such time, any said people that have requested extensions AND have not submitted will be summarily flogged in the town square.

Carry on!

Mrs. Ace is going to drag me away for the weekend, so there is no way I can make the deadline. How about an extension until Monday 10-9-06 which will give me another weekend to work on my entry?

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28 Sep 2006 05:21 #6907 by ace191
Replied by ace191 on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
Thank you and I promise I will have mine in well before (or maybe a couple of days before) that deadline!

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28 Sep 2006 16:23 #6918 by conceptfan
Replied by conceptfan on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!

Mrs. Ace is going to drag me away for the weekend

Literally? There's a story in its own right there...

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29 Sep 2006 13:32 #6929 by brantley
Replied by brantley on topic Re: Deadline Extended: 10/15/2006

Due to the abbreviated timeframe and repeated requests for extensions, the Workshop deadline for 1.9 wil be extended to 10/15/2006. At such time, any said people that have requested extensions AND have not submitted will be summarily flogged in the town square.

And here I raced to get my entry in! Oh well....

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09 Oct 2006 21:59 #6988 by brad328
Replied by brad328 on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
I'm surprised I got it done but I'm in. It's my first crack at the "big" workshop. I hope people dig it.

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09 Oct 2006 22:06 #6989 by argonaut
Replied by argonaut on topic Re: Workshop 1.9 is ON!!!
I'm looking forward to it -- especially if it's a continuation of "Home Invasion." I thought you were hitting your stride with that story and wondered if you'd ever give us another installment.

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