
Season 1 x 07 Spoilers and Discussions Human For a Day

18 Nov 2015 10:42 #45231 by five_red
Props go to Kryptonsite for reporting this, and the pics...

Kara and her friends must rely on their inner strength and courage when an earthquake strikes National City. Also, Alex’s mistrust of Hank reaches a breaking point when the earthquake traps them in the DEO with Jemm (Charles Halford), a powerful alien escapee, on SUPERGIRL, Monday, Dec. 7 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Warning: Spoiler!


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08 Dec 2015 15:02 #45571 by jdrock24
To the writers of this show and particularly this episode:

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I suspected that was the case but was not 100% sure. Well done on the reveal.

P.S. I don't want to spoil anything for those that haven't seen it yet.

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08 Dec 2015 16:29 #45572 by kikass2014
Yup, top class :)



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08 Dec 2015 17:57 #45574 by Markiehoe
Hey! I got one right!

Easily my most favorite episode so far.
Supergirl is a Hero.
Cat does the right thing.
Winn takes a hit to the heart and still soldiers on.
Wow, and that reveal.

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08 Dec 2015 23:43 #45578 by mo
Just a great episode. I was gripped from start to finish and that was just as a normal watcher instead of watching with my biased interest in the genre ;- )

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09 Dec 2015 04:03 #45583 by YAGS
Definitely the best episode so far. And yes, great reveal at the end. And Astra's back for next episode!

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09 Dec 2015 14:35 #45588 by andyf
Did anybody else notice that homage to the 1st Superman movie when saves she kids on the school bus hanging off the bridge?

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09 Dec 2015 18:02 #45592 by TwiceOnThursdays
Replied by TwiceOnThursdays on topic Season 1 x 07 Spoilers and Discussions Human For a Day
I'm probably going to have to re-watch this episode.

I thought it was really good, we have characters who are starting to gel and interact. I love how Cat doesn't get anyone's name right, I suspect that this is an act (as evidenced by her getting Kara's name right when she was drunk, she was drunk enough she forgot to get it wrong). This was a pretty good Cat Grant episode, down to her reaction to Supergirl's compliment in the end. I don't know how many people Cat actually LISTENS to enough to take a compliment. Most I think she hears as a'blah blah blah of course I'm great'. It's small little ticks like this that make me want to re-watch the episode, it's what you get when you hire good actors.

I'm surprised based on my reaction to the pilot, but I really like Cat now.

And Winn does pretty well in this episode too. He over-reacted a bit, but also stood up for himself. It'll be fun to see if Team Winn can start scoring some points again Team Hunky James. And I wonder if his spine was due to his encounter with Cat?

The reveal was great. As was having Jemm as a bad guy.

Also, its a prefect setup for "Cyborg Superman". The real Hank is supposed to be dead ... but he might be bonding with some alien equipment...and he was not a nice guy.

Not sure why Kara can't know Hank's secret other than operational security -- only one other person knows. I love Hank's comment on loneliness. It isn't the traditional role for the character (and apes Goyer's clueless comments on She-Hulk and Manhunter. Actually I didn't hate his comments on Manhunter, it's a valid take, used here, it's the total lack of understanding and dismissal of the character's previous motivations that irked me. Like his thinking the character was silly and totally not getting who the character was who he was).

That begs the questions; who is the other person? It shouldn't be Clark, as if it's Clark then why can't Kara know? I guess Kara might be a bit too impulsive to tell yet. She can't even keep HER secret. Or for that matter, Clark's. She and James spill that secret to Winn in like five seconds. I haven't seen anyone comment on that, but that was a HUGE NO-NO in my book. Based on that, I _wouldn't_ trust Kara with a secret. Maybe Hank's read her mind and knows she's just not good with secrets.

They cut off Holo-Alura on why Supergirl was the only one who could stop Jemm, are Kryptonians resistant to mind control? Or just El's or just Kara?

As for Lord, he's acting in accordance with his beliefs and not all of them are villainous. I don't think he was helping people JUST for the cynical PR moves, I think he was doing what he thinks he should do. Mind that the dude is still a bad guy getting people to blow themselves (and others) up putting lives in danger. I like it when the antagonists aren't simplistic and mustache twirling evil. Astra (so far) is too much of a cardboard cutout, we need to see something more complex from her. It'll be interesting to see what goes on in the next episode.

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10 Dec 2015 00:22 #45602 by YAGS
Yeah, the accidental reveal of Clark's secret to Winn was bad. But remember that it was James who made that mistake, not Kara.

Kara's big no-no was telling James and Winn about the DEO, which happened off screen at some point. They didn't show how the DEO and Kara's sidekicks found out about each other, but it's obvious that both sides do know about each other.

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