
New Bluestone Girl Power Site! Danica Thrall as Supernova etc.

23 May 2014 03:49 #36554 by Bluestone
Hopefully, I've picked the correct forum for this topic.

My videos have had mixed reviews on this forum, because they often are extreme in nature; however, as there appears to be interest in less extreme content wherein the superheroine triumphs, or at least survives her encounter with the forces of evil, I have put together a brand new website featuring just this type of video material, and starring Danica Thrall as Supernova, Emma Glover as Wondra, and many other gorgeous and powerful heroines.

The site is going to be launched in the next few days. Is there interest on this forum with respect to such a site?

If so, I will post more about it on this thread.


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23 May 2014 04:11 #36556 by italy877
Its about time!!! Every site out there has the Superheroine getting beat up, I for one want a website that has the Superheroine winning, beating up the bad guy and flying them off too jail and have the police and bad guy speechless that his beautiful lady in a sexy costume has the ability too fly and lift anything she damn well pleases! had an awesome website but the owner was sooooo shady...they had a great concept with great looking women in great looking costumes!! I hope you can make this happen.....

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23 May 2014 04:14 - 23 May 2014 04:29 #36557 by Dru1076
I think you'll find quite a bit of interest here, by the sounds of it! You certainly have my attention, and I look forward to checking your site out...

I think I speak for everyone when I say the last thing the internet needs is another peril site. But one that celebrates rather the denigrates superwomen will go down well here.
Last edit: 23 May 2014 04:29 by Dru1076.
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23 May 2014 05:29 #36559 by Bluestone
Sounds like there is indeed interest in this concept. I am also going to be bringing the videos to you at less than half the price of the more extreme versions. So, for those who don't want to spend $18 or more on a video that has content that you're really not interested in seeing, our videos will be selling for only $8 each.

Okay, I will defintely announce the opening of the site here along with the related Facebook and Twitter links. The more likes and followers we get, the more successful the site, the more videos we will be able to bring to this market. :)

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23 May 2014 06:09 #36561 by lfan
i would say so, yes! Please keep us apprised!


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23 May 2014 06:21 #36562 by mo

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23 May 2014 08:19 #36564 by bionicskillz
I have some Bluestone videos. They always do a top notch job of production and they have the hottest actresses, like fan favorite Danica! I for one am praying for a "Bionic Woman" type production one day! I'd be up for a group custom using this studio. Any bionic fans with me?

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23 May 2014 08:55 #36565 by dauntingmold
Great news, I bought the first Supernova video and was very impressed by the quality, the info/trailers for your other vids were a bit to brutal for my tastes so I passed, will look forward to the site opening.

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23 May 2014 12:55 #36571 by Bluestone

dauntingmold wrote: Great news, I bought the first Supernova video and was very impressed by the quality, the info/trailers for your other vids were a bit to brutal for my tastes so I passed, will look forward to the site opening.

Yes, this is what we're addressing with this new site. There are already two versions of most of our videos out there, a death version and a peril version. The videos on the new site will be a third version, much more mainstream than the others. You have probably shied away from videos that depict the brutal death of the heroine. These versions will not be featured on the site. The peril versions are probably also a little too fetish heavy for your tastes, some containing topless scenes, and priced higher for that fetish market. There will be no topless scenes in these new versions.

This project has been a long time in development. Way back with the release of "Wondra: Fall of a Heroine", we started to film alternate endings for our videos. Now, it is time to unveil the third version for the fans that don't want to be viewing heroine death, but heroine victory in the face of overwhelming odds.

The storyline for these videos are all entwined, like a serialized TV series. Season 1 will introduce the heroines. We are soon going into production of Season 2 which will take this group of heroines into a season long adventure. We're hoping that everyone will be able to get up to speed on the characters and their adventures before Season 2 commences this summer.

A word on the trailers, which will be available to view right on the new site. Although these trailers are used to market all versions of the videos, only the superheroine-friendly versions will be sold at our new store site. So, no need to worry that you're going to end up with a brutal death version by mistake. Now, "Wondra: Fall of a Heroine" does not end well for our heroine as played by Emma Glover, but she does return in the second episode, which is appropriately entitled "Wondra: Resurrection". :)

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23 May 2014 16:08 - 23 May 2014 16:09 #36575 by Markiehoe
Bring it on! I would love to see this kind of sight.
Do you have any teaser pictures?
Last edit: 23 May 2014 16:09 by Markiehoe. Reason: Question

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24 May 2014 04:51 #36583 by elnovo1234
Wow so awesome i hope you can address the most noltalgic aspect of a superheroine. Secret identity transfomations, im tired of seeing the heroine just appear and beat the bad guys. I also own some of your videos and the flight effects and the fighting choreography are great. (Sorry for my english).
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24 May 2014 05:37 - 24 May 2014 05:48 #36584 by bionicskillz
As a fan of Bluestone I am really excited about this! I only hope (and will give my money) that Bluestone can deliver stuff we want to see. The kind of stuff I imagine when I picture a superheroine film is a focus on superhuman strength. That changes the whole dynamic of productions where props would have to be involved and certain special effects have to be added, etc. What is the feasibility of fans seeing the heroines performing actions such as the reference videos I've linked below? I hunger to see Bluestone actresses recreating my fantastic fantasies in the videos below. The slow motion running, bending, kicking doors down, Think of the possibilities!

Last edit: 24 May 2014 05:48 by bionicskillz.
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24 May 2014 14:31 #36588 by Bluestone
Just doing some final tinkering with the site. Hoping to have it open tomorrow.

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24 May 2014 17:36 #36589 by bionicskillz
We are all looking forward to the site. Can't wait!

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24 May 2014 19:45 #36590 by jnw550

bionicskillz wrote: We are all looking forward to the site. Can't wait!

Yes we are! I too would like to see a proper bionic video. And Danica Thrall? YES PLEASE!

I don't mind slow-mo strength scenes and the like, but I feel super speed should look like super speed. Though, I do get lure of the slow-mo bionic run. ;)

I used to like the TV movies versions where they were moving in slow-mo, but they had the blurring effect to show that they were in fact moving very fast. Another good example was shown in the Smallville series when Clark would run at super speed. We got to see two perspectives, slow-mo from his, a blur of movement from ours.

Either way, I'm sure it will be great. Thanks!
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27 May 2014 01:11 #36632 by Bluestone
Well, we didn't launch on Sunday, because we found that several changes had to be made to allow the older browsers, such as Internet Explorer 7, to view the site properly. Looks like the original planned launch date of June 1st is going to be the most accurate estimate. I will announce the launch and site location here though when I'm sure that all of the bugs have been ironed out. :)

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27 May 2014 01:20 #36633 by fats

Bluestone wrote: Well, we didn't launch on Sunday, because we found that several changes had to be made to allow the older browsers, such as Internet Explorer 7, to view the site properly. Looks like the original planned launch date of June 1st is going to be the most accurate estimate. I will announce the launch and site location here though when I'm sure that all of the bugs have been ironed out. :)


if you need help let me know.


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27 May 2014 02:57 #36635 by Bluestone

fats wrote: if you need help let me know.


Thanks for your offer of help, fats. That's very kind of you. My software guy's been working on it and almost has all of the bugs out. It looks great on modern browsers and handheld devices, but I want to make sure those with older browsers can also view it.


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28 May 2014 08:17 #36653 by veggicidal2
You say you will be filming "alternate endings?" I'm not sure I understand what this means. Does this just mean the same old content with 10-minutes of the girl getting beat up, but then suddenly "winning" in the end? Or are you implying more girl-power focused themes overall throughout the video?

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28 May 2014 13:41 #36654 by Bluestone

veggicidal2 wrote: You say you will be filming "alternate endings?" I'm not sure I understand what this means. Does this just mean the same old content with 10-minutes of the girl getting beat up, but then suddenly "winning" in the end? Or are you implying more girl-power focused themes overall throughout the video?

Well, the girl doesn't just get beaten up for 10 minutes in our videos. Usually, she does a lot of beating herself during the fight. I would describe the fights as see-saw battles where there is always some suspense as to how it will end. In the 'girl power' ending, the girl will either win or she may be overpowered with a cliffhanger ending to be continued in the next video. In any event, she will not die. As for the storylines, there is a continuing story arc in which the fights are part of an overall mission on the part of the heroines to save the day from the forces of evil in the world. I hope that clarifies.

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31 May 2014 01:31 #36664 by Bluestone
Hey All,

I'm on a two day shoot this weekend, but I'll try to get the new site launched either late Sunday night or, if that fails, on Monday.

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01 Jun 2014 02:03 #36678 by bionicskillz
I am imagining this girl as a bionic assassin wreaking havoc!

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01 Jun 2014 02:37 #36679 by Bernard72002
I can't wait for you. Can you give us a hint as to when you are ready to launch and show us a sneak peak of what will be on the site?

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01 Jun 2014 02:40 #36680 by Bluestone

If I don't officially launch tomorrow night, I will at least post a link to the site for the members of this board. Deal?

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02 Jun 2014 03:55 #36695 by Bluestone
Okay, I said that I'd post a special site link here tonight. The site is not officially launched yet, but you can view it here:
The trailers are all up and the store is active.
Let me know what you think of it so far.


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