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The Power Ring

Written by JBMMLJE :: [Friday, 19 July 2024 21:59] Last updated by :: [Sunday, 21 July 2024 06:42]

This is the extensive story / script which belongs to a custom movie I commissioned at TKS Productions. You can find and buy the movie here:

If you subscribe to my patreon you will have early and exclusive access to other stories. With the money I make I can commission another movie at TKS Productions. Please subscribe:

Enjoy the story and hopefully you like it so much you will buy the movie as well!


Ella sat at her desk in the D.E.O. headquarters, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she worked on compiling the latest intel reports. Her red hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, a few loose strands falling across the black frames of her glasses. She tucked them back behind her ear before taking a long sip of coffee from the Superman mug on her desk.

The mug had been a gift from Supergirl, back when she first started as Supergirl's assistant. Ella cherished it, not just because it was a gift but because it made her feel like she was part of something bigger. Like she was helping, in her own small way, to make a difference in the world.

She knew she wasn't out there fighting aliens and saving lives like Supergirl and the other agents. But compiling intel, analyzing data, making connections - that was her superpower. Ella allowed herself a little smile at the thought.

Ella was so focused on her work that she didn't hear the whoosh of air as Supergirl flew in through the open window. "Hi Ella!" Supergirl said, making Ella jump in surprise.

"Oh, Supergirl! You startled me," Ella said, placing a hand over her racing heart.

"Sorry about that," Supergirl said with an apologetic smile. She held out a small metallic ring, an intricate pattern of symbols engraved along the band. "I need you to do something for me.”

Ella smiled, looking forward to solve another mystery for her greatest idol. “Of course Supergirl, always here to help you.”

“I found this ring at the site of a meteor crash just outside the city. I think it might be from another galaxy." Supergirl said while holding out the ring to Ella.

Ella's eyes lit up as she took the ring from Supergirl, holding it up to examine it more closely. The symbols were unlike any language she had seen on Earth.

“Hey Supergirl, do you maybe want to..” Ella said as she wanted to ask Supergirl to hang out with her tonight. Before Ella could finish her sentence Supergirl interjected her.

“I need to check something with Hank really quick. Be right back.” Supergirl replied, carefully avoiding Ella’s question.

Ella tried to keep her cool, but deep inside Supergirls interjection made her pretty insecure. Supergirl was really confident and Ella was always overwhelmed by her. “Sure, do your important things Supergirl.”

Supergirl walked out of the room, her red cape fluttering behind her as she hurried down the hall. Ella's eyes followed her for a moment before dropping back down to examine the ring resting in her palm.

It was smooth and surprisingly lightweight, the strange symbols etched finely along the band. Ella wondered if it was made of an alien metal. She turned it slowly in her fingers, holding it up and gazing at the way the light glinted off the surface.

Unable to resist, Ella carefully slid the ring onto her left ring finger. It was a perfect fit, as if it had been made just for her. She splayed her fingers out, tilting her hand this way and that to see how the ring looked from different angles.

Ella kept admiring the ring on her finger, turning her hand to catch the light. She wondered where in the galaxy this ring had come from and who had worn it before. As her imagination wandered, she heard the whoosh of air as Supergirl flew back into the room.

"I'm off! Will you let me know when you find something? See you soon!" Supergirl said while turning away from Ella.

As Supergirl turned to go, Ella gathered her courage. "Hey, um, would you want to maybe hang out tonight?" she asked nervously.

Supergirl paused and gave Ella a kind smile. "Ooh.. uuh.. That's really nice of you to ask. But I have plans tonight already. Good luck with the investigation.”

As Supergirl prepared to leave, Ella felt a sinking disappointment in her chest. She tried not to let it show on her face, forcing a smile. "No worries, I understand. Another time maybe," she said, hoping her voice sounded casual.

Supergirl gave her a warm smile. "Definitely." She stepped closer, holding out her hand to wish Ella good luck with the investigation.

Ella reached out to shake Supergirl's hand, the mysterious ring still glinting on her finger. As their hands touched, Ella suddenly felt a strange tingling sensation in her hand. It spread up her arm, a pleasant warmth that made her skin prickle with goosebumps.

The energy continued to flow through her, filling her body with a thrumming pulse. It was exhilarating and a bit unnerving. Supergirl's eyes widened slightly as she too seemed to feel the subtle charge between them, her expression one of mild surprise. After a couple of seconds Supergirl withdrew her hand. Ella felt the tingling sensation fading as soon as they broke contact.

Without saying a word, Supergirl turned and flew out the window, a blur of red and blue against the sky. Ella watched her go, her heart still racing from the strange energy that had passed between them.

Shaking her head, Ella turned back to her desk, determined to focus on the task at hand. She had a mystery to solve, and she couldn't let herself get distracted by strange sensations or Supergirl's rejection of her invitation.

Ella sat back down at her desk, the ring still on her finger. She picked up the mug of coffee and took a sip, but as she lowered it from her lips, she noticed something odd. The text on her computer screen seemed...blurry. She blinked a few times, thinking perhaps she was just tired, but the blurriness remained.

Frowning, Ella took off her glasses and rubbed at her eyes. When she opened them again, she gasped in surprise. Without her glasses, everything was in perfect, crisp focus. The text on her screen was sharp and clear, and as she looked around the room, she could see details she had never noticed before - the fine grain of the wood on her desk, the intricate pattern of the carpet, even the tiny scratches on the metal legs of her chair.

Ella's heart raced as she realized what was happening. “The ring, could it be the ring?” With slightly trembling fingers, Ella slid the ring off her finger and placed it gently on the small analysis pad next to her computer. The pad hummed to life, a grid of lasers scanning over the ring's surface, mapping every detail of the intricate engravings.

On her screen, data began to scroll by at a dizzying speed. Ella leaned forward, her eyes darting back and forth as she tried to make sense of the complex readouts. The ring's composition was unlike anything she had ever seen - a blend of elements that shouldn't exist together, their atomic structures interwoven in impossible ways.

As she delved deeper into the data, a pattern began to emerge. The ring seemed to be designed to conduct energy, its unique structure allowing it to draw power from external sources and channel it into the wearer. The implications were staggering.

Ella sat back in her chair, her mind reeling. The ring was clearly far more than just a piece of alien jewellery. It was a tool, a device with capabilities she was only beginning to understand. And somehow, through her brief contact with Supergirl, it had already begun to change her.

Ella stood up from her desk, walking over to the large window that overlooked the city. She gazed out at the skyline, marvelling at the new level of detail her enhanced vision provided. She could see the individual bricks in the buildings, the tiny figures of people walking on the streets far below.

Her mind raced with possibilities. With this ring, she could do so much good. She could help Supergirl protect the city, fight alongside her as an equal. The thought sent a thrill through her, and a mysterious smile spread across her face.


The next day, Ella arrived at the D.E.O. headquarters early, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had barely slept the night before, her mind racing with thoughts of the ring and the incredible abilities it had granted her. She knew what she was about to do was risky, but the temptation was too great to resist.

The hallways were still quiet as Ella made her way to her desk, her footsteps echoing softly on the polished floor. She glanced around furtively, making sure no one was watching, before slipping into the room where the ring was still at the same place where she left it a day earlier.

Ella quietly closed the door behind her, heart racing as she approached the analysis pad where the ring rested. She paused for a moment, her eyes drawn to the ring. It seemed to shimmer under the room's muted lighting.

Ella reached out and picked up the ring, marvelling at how it seemed to warm to her touch. She turned it over in her fingers, watching the intricate symbols catch the light.

Unable to resist the temptation any longer, Ella slid the ring onto her finger. It settled into place like it was made for her, the band conforming perfectly to the contours of her skin. As the ring slid onto her finger, Ella felt a rush of anticipation run through her body. She could feel the ring humming against her skin, as if it were alive and eager to be used.

Ella looked around the room, her mind racing with possibilities. The ring was a conductor, capable of siphoning energy from a source and transferring it to the wearer. But what could she use as an energy source? “Energy.. I need energy..” Ella said while scanning the room.

Ella's eyes darted around the room, searching for a potential energy source. Her gaze fell upon a standard electrical socket on the wall, and a spark of an idea ignited in her mind.

Electricity. It was everywhere, running through the walls of every building in the city. An ever-present, humming source of power. Could the ring draw from that? Channel that energy into her? “Electricity is energy.. I wonder..” Ella said out loud while walking towards the socket.

Ella approached the socket, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. She reached out, her hand hovering just inches from the outlet. She could feel the ring on her finger, almost pulsing with anticipation, as if it knew what she intended and was eager to comply.

Taking a deep breath, Ella moved her hand closer to the socket and placed her hand around it. Instantly, she felt a jolt of energy surge through her, like a static shock but a hundred times more intense. It raced up her arm, spreading through her body in a wave of tingling heat.

Ella gasped, her eyes widening as the power flooded her system. It was exhilarating, electrifying in the most literal sense. She could feel every nerve ending in her body coming alive, every cell buzzing with renewed energy. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever experienced - a thrilling, almost addictive rush of pure power.

As the electricity continued to flow into Ella's body, she could feel herself growing stronger by the second. The energy crackled through her veins, making every muscle tingle and hum with power. She gripped the electrical socket tighter, drawing in more and more of the electrifying current.

Ella's slim frame began to change, her muscles becoming more defined and toned. Her arms and legs, once slender and soft, now rippled with newfound strength. She could feel her abs tightening, transforming into a chiselled six-pack.

The power coursed through her torso, reshaping her curves. Ella's waist cinched inward while her hips flared out, giving her an hourglass figure that was the perfect balance of strength and femininity. Her breasts, once small A-cups, began to swell and expand. The electricity seemed to focus there, making her chest tingle as her breasts grew rounder and fuller, straining against the fabric of her shirt until they settled into perky B-cups.

Ella's face was also transformed by the infusion of energy. Her cheekbones became more pronounced, her jawline more defined. Her lips seemed fuller, taking on a rosier hue. Even her eyes sparkled with an inner light, the irises almost glowing with the power she had absorbed.

As the final waves of electricity dissipated, Ella released her grip on the socket. She stood tall and strong, marvelling at the incredible changes in her body. Every inch of her felt alive, thrumming with energy and vitality. She had never felt so powerful, so confident, so utterly invincible.

Ella caught her reflection in the window and gasped. She almost didn't recognize the stunning, statuesque beauty staring back at her. Her red hair seemed to shimmer like flames, cascading over her shoulders in lustrous waves. Her skin glowed with an almost otherworldly luminescence, smooth and flawless like polished marble.

As Ella turned to admire her new physique, she couldn't help but run her hands over her transformed curves. She marvelled at the taut muscles of her stomach, the powerful lines of her legs and the full, perky curve of her breasts.

With her newfound confidence surging through her veins, Ella knew she needed an outfit to match her transformed physique. She focused her thoughts, channelling the crackling energy that now flowed within her.

As if responding to her will blue electric bolts danced around her body, causing the very fabric of her clothing to shift and morph. The loose, conservative blouse and slacks she had been wearing melted away, replaced by an outfit that exuded both power and allure.

A tight, black top formed around her torso, hugging every curve of her newly toned abs and full, perky breasts. The neckline plunged daringly, revealing a tantalizing hint of cleavage. The sleek, stretchy material clung to her like a second skin, accentuating her hourglass figure.

Over this, a short leather skirt took shape, the supple material moulding to the curves of her hips and thighs. It hugged her toned legs, ending mid-thigh to show off her sculpted calves. The skirt was tight, but the leather was buttery soft, allowing for easy movement.

On her feet, stylish black high heels materialized. The shoes had a pointed toe and a sky-high stiletto, adding several inches to her already impressive height. Despite the heel's altitude, Ella felt perfectly balanced and comfortable, as if she had been wearing heels like these her entire life.

Ella ran her hands slowly over her body, savouring the feeling of her taut muscles and smooth, flawless skin. Her fingers traced the defined lines of her abs, caressed the swell of her breasts. Every inch of her felt alive with energy and power. The high heels made her legs look miles long, her calves beautifully sculpted.

Just then, Ella heard the familiar whoosh of air as Supergirl flew in through the open window. She landed gracefully, her red cape fluttering behind her. But as Supergirl's eyes fell on Ella, they widened in surprise and confusion.

"What is happening here?" Supergirl demanded, her posture tense and ready for a fight.

Ella turned slowly to face the Girl of Steel, a confident smirk playing on her full, luscious lips. "Hi Supergirl!”

Supergirl stared at Ella, taking in her transformed appearance with growing astonishment. The shy, unassuming girl she knew was gone, replaced by a stunning, confident woman who radiated power and allure.

"Ella?" Supergirl asked hesitantly, her eyes roaming over Ella's new curves, the tight black top and short leather skirt that hugged her figure. "Is that you?"

Ella smiled warmly at Supergirl, her green eyes sparkling with newfound confidence. "In full glory!" she said, her voice smooth and melodic.

"What do you think?" She held up her hand, blue electric bolts dancing around her fingers. “I think we will make a great team!”

Supergirl looked at Ella, her brow furrowed with concern. "The ring Ella, you need to give it to me."

A serious look appeared on Ella’s face as she processed Supergirl’s words. “Why? I can finally help you.”

Supergirl took a cautious step towards Ella, her blue eyes filled with worry. “No Ella,” she said, her voice gentle but firm. "This is not something to play with. You need to give the ring back!”

Ella's eyes narrowed at Supergirl's words and she clenched her fist. The crackling energy that surrounded her seemed to intensify, the blue bolts dancing across her skin with increased fervour. "NO!" Ella said firmly, her voice laced with a newfound strength and determination.

Ella's eyes flashed with anger, the electricity around her hand intensifying. Blue sparks crackled and snapped around Ella's fist as she raised her arm, aiming directly at Supergirl. With a fierce cry, a sizzling bolt of electricity shot forth from her hand, cutting through the air like a searing hot blade. The bolt struck Supergirl square in the chest with a blinding flash and a deafening boom.

Supergirl let out a cry of shock and pain as the electricity slammed into her. Her body convulsed, muscles spasming uncontrollably as the electricity surged through her. The force of the impact sent her flying backwards, crashing into the wall behind her.

Ella stared at her own hand in disbelief, blue sparks still dancing around her fingers. She couldn't believe the power she had just unleashed, the raw energy she had channelled through her body and projected at Supergirl.

The wall behind Supergirl cracked and crumbled from the impact, but remarkably, it remained standing. Chunks of plaster and dust rained down around the Girl of Steel as she pushed herself up, her face set in a determined grimace.

Supergirl steadied herself, brushing debris from her shoulders. Her blue eyes locked onto Ella, a look of concern and determination etched on her face. She took a deep breath, her chest expanding with the intake of air.

Ella barely had a moment to react before Supergirl unleashed a mighty gust of wind from her lungs. The superbreath slammed into Ella like a hurricane force, the sheer power of it pushing her backwards.

Ella felt the wind whipping around her body, her hair dancing around her in all directions. Despite the force of the blast, Ella's body remained steady and controlled, her newfound strength allowing her to maintain her balance even as she was pushed backwards.

As quickly as it had begun, the superbreath stopped. In the blink of an eye, before Ella could even register the absence of the gale force winds, Supergirl moved.

It was a blur of motion, a streak of red and blue that crossed the room faster than the human eye could follow. Supergirl tapped into her incredible speed, closing the distance between them in less than a heartbeat.

Ella barely had time to gasp before she felt Supergirl's hands on her, the Kryptonian's fingers wrapping around her upper arms in an unbreakable grip. The world spun around her as Supergirl used her momentum to spin them both. Ella's back slammed against the wall, the impact knocking the breath from her lungs.

Ella found herself pinned against the wall, Supergirl's strong hands gripping her arms, holding her in place. Their faces were mere inches apart, Supergirl's intense blue eyes boring into Ella's defiant brown ones.

"Ella, give it back," Supergirl said, her voice urgent and demanding.

Ella struggled against Supergirl's grip, but even with her newfound strength, she was no match for the Kryptonian's might. "Why won’t you let me help you?" she asked, frustration and desperation bleeding into her voice.

Supergirl's grip on Ella's arms remained firm, and her eyes were filled with concern. "Because it’s dangerous Ella, and I am trying to protect you."

Ella's heart raced as she struggled against Supergirl's unbreakable hold, her enhanced muscles straining and flexing beneath the Kryptonian's steel grip. The air between them crackled with tension, Ella's frustration and desperation mingling with Supergirl's unwavering resolve.

Ella's mind raced as she struggled against Supergirl's grip, searching for a way to break free. And then, in a flash of clarity, she remembered the strange sensation that had passed between them when they shook hands the day before. The tingling energy that had flowed from Supergirl's touch, the way it had improved her eyesight.

A sudden idea sparked in Ella's mind, born out of desperation to get out of Supergirl’s firm hold. Her eyes locked with Supergirl's, a fierce determination burning in their depths.

With a sudden surge of determination, Ella reached out and grabbed Supergirl's wrists, her fingers wrapping tightly around the Girl of Steel's forearms. As soon as their skin made contact, Ella felt a jolt of energy pass between them.

As Ella's hands gripped Supergirl's wrists, a strange sensation began to flow between them. It was like a current of energy, a tingling warmth that started where their skin touched and quickly spread up Ella's arms. She could feel it coursing through her veins, a pulsing, vibrant power that grew stronger with each passing second.

Supergirl's eyes widened as she too felt the bizarre energy transfer. Her grip on Ella's arms loosened slightly as a look of confusion and alarm crossed her features.

Ella held onto Supergirl's wrists tightly, feeling the incredible energy surging from the Kryptonian's body into her own. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before - a thrilling, intoxicating rush of pure power that made every nerve ending in her body sing with exhilaration.

"This feels so good…" Ella breathed, her voice filled with wonder and exhilaration.

Her brown eyes sparkled with an inner light, her face flushed with the rush of power. She could feel her body changing, adapting, growing stronger and more resilient with each passing second.

Supergirl suddenly pulled her hands back, breaking the connection between them. The energy flow ceased immediately, leaving Ella gasping from the abrupt loss.

Supergirl took a step back, confusion and unease flashing across her face. "That ring…"

“Is able to absorb energy and transfer it to the person wearing it.” Ella finished the sentence before Supergirl.

Supergirl shook her head in despair as she realized the implications of Ella's newfound ability. The ring could drain her powers, leave her vulnerable. She had to get it away from Ella, for both their sakes. “This can’t be..” Supergirl said, the despair audible in her voice.

As the Kryptonian energy pulsed through her veins, Ella felt a rush of exhilaration flood her body. She was filled with an intense and overwhelming sense of strength and vitality that seemed to electrify every inch of her being. In that moment, she felt invincible, more alive than she had ever felt before.

She glanced up at Supergirl, a slow, confident smile spreading across her face. "Thanks for the little upgrade, Supergirl." she said, her voice rich and smooth. "Your powers feel amazing."

Supergirl's eyes widened with shock and panic as she realized what Ella had just done. She had absorbed some of her powers, making her even more dangerous than before. The Kryptonian knew that she couldn't afford to underestimate this woman anymore.

Supergirl's eyes narrowed as she faced off against Ella, her body tense and ready for action. She knew she had to act fast, to stop Ella before she could use her stolen powers to cause real harm.

With a fierce cry, Supergirl's eyes began to glow a brilliant red, the air around them humming with energy. In a flash, two searing beams of heat vision burst forth from her eyes, cutting through the air towards Ella.

The room was bathed in a crimson glow as the laser beams streaked towards their target, the air sizzling and crackling with their intense heat. The beams moved with incredible speed, crossing the distance between the two women in less than a heartbeat.

Instead of trying to dodge or deflect the beams, Ella stood her ground, a daring smile playing on her lips. She raised her hands in the sky and readied herself for the inevitable. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, her body humming with readiness.

As the crimson beams struck Ella's chest, she let out a cry of pure pleasure and exhilaration. “YESS!! MORE!!”

The searing heat of the lasers seemed to sink into her very being, suffusing her body with an electrifying warmth that sent tingles racing across her skin. It was like basking in the glow of a thousand suns, the raw power of the beams filling her up, charging every cell and fibre of her body with an intoxicating vitality.

Ella's eyes fluttered closed as she savoured the incredible sensation, a blissful smile playing across her lips. She could feel the energy from the lasers flowing into her, intermingling with the Kryptonian strength she had already absorbed from Supergirl's touch.

Supergirl froze in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief as her heat vision washed harmlessly over Ella. This was impossible - no human could withstand the full fury of her powers. Yet Ella seemed to be revelling in it, absorbing her energy and growing stronger by the second. Suppressing a shudder, Supergirl ceased her heat vision. She would have to try a different tactic.

Ella clenched her fists, feeling the strength coursing through her muscles. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before - a raw, primal power that made her feel invincible, unstoppable. She could feel it in every fibre of her being, a thrilling surge of energy that set her nerves alight with exhilaration. "Your powers, Supergirl," Ella breathed, her voice filled with wonder and awe. "I had no idea they felt so good."

"Ella, please take it off," Supergirl said, her voice urgent and pleading. "You don't understand the forces you're playing with. It’s dangerous.."

But Ella only laughed, dismissing Supergirl’s suggestion. She clenched her fists and felt the power coursing through her body. "It doesn’t feel dangerous." she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

A wicked grin spread across her face as an idea formed in her mind. She remembered how it had felt to absorb Supergirl's heat vision, the way the beams had filled her with a thrilling warmth. Now, she wondered what it would be like to turn that power back on its source. Ella narrowed her eyes, focusing on the incredible energy that swirled within her. She could feel it building, gathering behind her eyes.

Supergirl watched in horror as Ella's eyes began to glow red. She knew what was coming and braced herself. Twin beams of intense heat vision burst forth, striking Supergirl squarely in the chest. She cried out as the searing lasers scorched her indestructible suit and skin. Though they could not physically harm her, the heat was immense, almost unbearable.

Ella blinked, the red glow fading from her eyes as a wave of dizziness washed over her. She stumbled slightly, steadying herself on her feet pretty quickly. The exertion of using Supergirl's stolen powers had left her momentarily drained, her body unused to channelling such incredible energies.

As Ella stood there recovering from the immense energy expenditure, Supergirl knew she had only one option left. In a blur of motion too quick for the human eye to perceive, Supergirl sped towards Ella. Before Ella even realized what was happening, Supergirl was beside her, grasping her wrist with an unbreakable grip.

Supergirl reached for the ring on Ella’s finger. As soon as she touched it to remove it a familiar jolt of energy surged between them. The ring was back in business again, humming and pulsing with an otherworldly power as it greedily absorbed the Kryptonian's immense energies.

Supergirl retracted her hand quickly, feeling the ring drain her powers once more. She knew she had to act fast before Ella could fully recover. In one swift motion, Supergirl reached out and grabbed Ella by the throat, lifting her effortlessly off the ground. Ella's eyes went wide in surprise as she felt the strength of Supergirl’s grip.

"Give me the ring!" Supergirl said through gritted teeth.

Ella's eyes sparkled with defiance as she felt Supergirl's strong fingers wrapped around her throat. She needed to get out of this situation fast before she blacked out. Ella's eyes locked with Supergirl's, a mysterious smile playing across her lips as she slowly raised her hand. With deliberate, almost sensual movements, she wrapped her fingers around Supergirl's wrist.

As soon as their flesh made contact, Ella felt the familiar jolt of energy begin to flow between them. It started as a gentle tingle, a warm buzz that originated from Supergirl's skin and quickly spread up Ella's arm. As Ella's fingers wrapped firmer around Supergirl's wrist, the energy transfer intensified, morphing from a gentle tingle into a powerful, pulsing current. Ella could feel Supergirl's immense strength flowing into her, filling every cell of her body with an electrifying vitality. It was like nothing she had ever experienced before - a thrilling, intoxicating rush of pure power that made her feel invincible.

Supergirl's eyes widened as she felt her strength being drained away, siphoned off by Ella's touch. Her grip on Ella's throat weakened and her arm began to tremble as the energy continued to flow out of her and into the red-haired woman.

Ella revelled in the incredible sensation, a blissful smile spreading across her face as she absorbed more and more of Supergirl's power. She could feel her muscles growing stronger, her senses sharpening, her entire being suffused with an otherworldly energy that made her feel like a goddess.

“Ooh YES!!” Ella moaned as she eagerly absorbed more of Supergirl’s energy.

Supergirl shook her head in disbelief, knowing was slowly losing this fight. “No, this can’t be happening.”

Ella's body began to change, adapting and evolving to accommodate the influx of Kryptonian energy. Her muscles swelled and hardened, becoming denser and more defined with each passing second. She could feel her biceps bulging, her abs tightening into a chiselled six-pack, her thighs and calves rippling with newfound power.

Supergirl's face grew pale, her eyes wide with shock and disbelief as she felt her immense strength being drained away. Her arm, once capable of lifting mountains, now trembled with the effort of holding Ella aloft. Supergirl's fingers, locked in an iron grip around Ella's throat, began to weaken and loosen. She could feel the strength leaching out of her, drained away by Ella's touch. Her knees buckled, legs turning to jelly as the last vestiges of her super strength evaporated.

With a gasp of defeat, Supergirl's arm finally gave out. She could no longer support Ella's weight and was forced to lower the red-haired woman back to the ground. Ella's heels clicked on the floor as she landed, now standing eye to eye with the weakened heroine.

Ella stood tall and strong before the weakened Supergirl, a triumphant smile playing across her luscious lips. She reached out and grasped Supergirl's hand firmly, relishing the feeling of the Kryptonian's once invincible fingers now limp and powerless in her own.

With a sudden, forceful motion, Ella pushed down on Supergirl's hand, compelling the mighty heroine to her knees. Supergirl had no choice but to comply, her strength utterly sapped by Ella's energy-draining touch. She sank to the floor, kneeling in submission before the transformed woman.

Ella towered over Supergirl, her statuesque form radiating with the stolen Kryptonian power. Her green eyes sparkled with wicked delight as she gazed down at the fallen heroine, savouring every moment of her victory.

"Amazing, so much power!" Ella purred, her voice rich and sultry.

“Ella, please..” Supergirl said, the look of despair in her eyes clearly visible.

“It’s your own fault Supergirl," Ella sighed, her voice tinged with fake regret. "I just wanted to be a team, but you declined my offer."

Supergirl looked up at Ella, her blue eyes filled with a myriad of emotions - shock, confusion, and a glimmer of remorse. ”You’re right, we could be a great team. If you give my powers back we could be the greatest superheroine duo ever.”

"The thing is," Ella purred, her voice dripping with false sympathy. "I don’t want to give you your powers back. It feels so good!"

“But.. But..” Supergirl stuttered, obviously at a loss for words.

"It wasn’t my intention Supergirl, I really wanted to team up," Ella said, her voice rich and seductive, "But now I’ve had a small taste of your powers, I want it all!”

Supergirl sighed, looking disappointed at Ella. “You have no idea what you are doing..”

Ella's eyes flashed with a newfound determination as she gazed down at the weakened Supergirl kneeling before her. With a sudden, forceful motion, Ella placed her hands on Supergirl's shoulders and pushed, compelling the once-mighty heroine backwards.

Supergirl, her strength utterly sapped, could offer no resistance. She toppled backwards, her red cape fluttering behind her as she fell. With a soft thud, she landed on her back, sprawled out on the hard floor.

Before Supergirl could even think about getting up, Ella was on her. With catlike grace, the red-haired beauty climbed atop the fallen heroine, straddling her hips with her strong, shapely legs. The leather of Ella's tight skirt creaked as she settled her weight on Supergirl's stomach, pinning the Kryptonian down.

Ella chuckled, a low, sultry sound that sent shivers down Supergirl's spine. She placed a hand on the heroine's chest, her fingers splaying across the iconic "S" emblem, and pushed her back down with ease.

With deliberate, sensual movements, Ella ran her hands up Supergirl's arms, over her shoulders, and finally came to rest on either side of the heroine's throat. Supergirl's eyes widened as she felt Ella's fingers wrap around her neck, the red-haired woman's grip firm and painful.

A determined expression appeared on Ella's face as she looked at the Girl of Steel. "Incorrect, I know exactly what I'm doing. I also know that your suit is part of your Kryptonian powers, so there is still a little bit left in you."

Supergirl's eyes went wide as she felt the now familiar sensation of her energy being siphoned away. But this time, it was different - more intense, more forceful. It was as if Ella was reaching deep inside her, grasping at the very core of her being and pulling with all her might.

Ella moaned softly as the power began to flow into her, a torrent of raw, undiluted Kryptonian energy that surged through every cell of her body. It was a rush of pure ecstasy that made every nerve ending sing with pleasure.

As Ella's fingers tightened around Supergirl's throat, the flow of energy between them intensified to a level neither had experienced before. It was like a raging river of pure power, surging from Supergirl's body into Ella's with an unstoppable force.

Ella threw her head back in ecstasy, her red hair cascading down her back as she revelled in the incredible sensation. Every cell in her body hummed with the infusion of Kryptonian energy, her muscles swelling and hardening, her senses sharpening even further.

Beneath her, Supergirl writhed and squirmed, her face contorted in a mixture of pain and despair. She could feel her very essence being drained away, sucked out of her by Ella's relentless grip.

"STOP!!" Supergirl begged, yelling at Ella with her last resources.

Ella's eyes sparkled with wicked delight as she heard Supergirl's desperate plea. The heroine's cry only spurred her on, fuelling her desire to drain every last drop of power from the mighty Kryptonian.

"Stop?" Ella purred, her voice dripping with mock sympathy. "I already told you.. I WANT IT ALL!"

As she spoke, Ella tightened her grip on Supergirl's throat, her fingers digging into the soft flesh with bruising force. The flow of energy between them surged to new heights, a raging torrent of pure Kryptonian power that poured from Supergirl's body into Ella's with an unstoppable intensity.

Supergirl's back arched off the floor as she felt her very essence being ripped away, drained from her cells by Ella's relentless touch.

Ella's body hummed with the infusion of Kryptonian power, every cell pulsing with an otherworldly vitality. She could feel her muscles swelling and hardening, her curves becoming even more luscious and defined. Her breasts strained against the tight fabric of her top, the material stretching taut over her now ample bosom. Her legs, already toned and shapely, grew even more sculpted, her calves and thighs rippling with coiled strength.

Supergirl's face turned deep red as she desperately tried to suck in a breath. Her efforts grew weaker, her arms falling limply to her sides. Ella laughed, drunk on the intoxicating sense of power. She effortlessly lifted Supergirl's limp body off the ground, holding her up with one hand wrapped around her throat. Supergirl dangled helplessly, all traces of her superhuman strength drained away.

Ella held Supergirl aloft with one hand, the Kryptonian dangling helplessly in her grip, all traces of her immense strength drained away. Ella marvelled at her own power, at the ease with which she could now lift the once-invincible heroine.

Ella watched in fascination as the suit began to shimmer and glow, the colours seeming to liquefy and swirl. Slowly, almost imperceptibly at first, the fabric began to recede from Supergirl's body, peeling away like a second skin.

Ella gazed up at the helpless heroine, her brown eyes sparkling with wicked delight. She could feel the last vestiges of Supergirl's power flowing into her, the final drops of Kryptonian essence draining from the mighty maiden's cells.

The blue of Supergirl's suit continued to flow up Ella's arm, the alien material melting into her very flesh as it spread across her skin in a warm, tingling wave. Ella watched in awe as the vibrant hues swirled and danced, gradually changing and morphing as they enveloped her body. Creating a design that was all her own.

The fabric seemed to have a mind of its own, reshaping and reforming as it clung to Ella's curves. It flowed over her shoulders and down her back, the cape dissolving into the material as it went. The blue darkened, deepening to a rich, vibrant crimson that gleamed like polished rubies in the light.

As the suit continued to transform, Ella felt a surge of energy course through her, a crackling current of electricity that danced across her skin. It was as if the suit was responding to her will, adapting to her desires and the power that now thrummed through her veins.

The crimson fabric flowed over Ella's body like liquid silk, hugging every curve and plane of her newly empowered physique. It wrapped around her torso, the material seeming to mould itself to her perky breasts and toned stomach, accentuating her hourglass figure to perfection.

As the suit continued to transform, Ella felt a tingling sensation spread across her chest. She looked down to see a brilliant yellow shape beginning to form, standing out in stark contrast against the deep red of the suit. It started as a small spark, a glowing ember that quickly grew and expanded, stretching out into a jagged, angular design.

Ella watched in fascination as the yellow shape took on a familiar form - a lightning bolt, its edges sharp and crackling with energy. It spanned the width of her chest, the pointed tip reaching up towards her collarbone while the jagged base disappeared beneath the swell of her breasts.

The lightning bolt seemed to pulse with power, the vibrant yellow glowing brightly against the rich crimson of her suit. It was as if the symbol was a conduit for the crackling energy that now flowed through Ella's veins, a visual representation of the combination of the electrifying strength she had absorbed from the socket and the Kryptonian powers she had absorbed from Supergirl.

Ella admired her new suit and the way it clung to her body, accentuating her curves. She felt powerful, energized. As the suit finished its transformation, she felt a pleasant sensation around her calves. Looking down, she saw some fabric morphing again, this time forming into tight, black leather knee boots. The boots came up just below her knees, hugging her calves. A spike heel gave them a dangerous, sexy look.

Ella caressed her body, feeling the silky fabric hug every curve. "I love this suit," she purred. "It's perfect."

Supergirl was now stripped of her powers, helpless on the ground before Ella. Her iconic blue and red suit was gone, replaced by casual civilian clothes - a white blouse, a black skirt and black high heels. The Girl of Steel looked so small and vulnerable without her superhero uniform.

Supergirl lay unconscious on the ground, her blonde hair splayed out around her head. Ella looked down at her fallen foe, a smile curling her lips. She reached down and grabbed a handful of Supergirl's collar, easily lifting the powerless Kryptonian off the ground.

Ella laughed triumphantly as she effortlessly lifted Supergirl's limp form off the ground with one hand, the powerless heroine dangling helplessly from her grip. A wicked grin spread across Ella's face as she marvelled at her newfound strength, at the ease with which she could now manhandle the once-invincible Girl of Steel.

Ella tightened her grip on Supergirl's collar, the fabric bunching and straining in her powerful fingers. She lifted the unconscious blonde higher, holding her suspended at arm's length with no more effort than if she were lifting a feather. Supergirl's head lolled to the side, her golden tresses cascading over Ella's knuckles.

With a casual flick of her wrist, Ella tossed Supergirl's limp form to the ground. The powerless heroine hit the floor with a thud, her body crumpling into a heap at Ella's feet. Ella gazed down at the fallen heroine, a triumphant smirk playing across her luscious lips. She revelled in the feeling of total dominance, of having the once-mighty Girl of Steel completely at her mercy.

"I could definitely get used to this," Ella purred, her voice rich with satisfaction. She flexed arms, marvelling at the way her bicep bulged with Kryptonian strength.

Ella turned away from Supergirl's prone form, strutting across the room with a newfound confidence in her step. Each click of her spiked heels on the floor seemed to reverberate with authority, a symbol of her ascendancy to power.

Ella stood tall and proud, her statuesque form radiating with an otherworldly power. She ran her hands slowly over her body, savouring the feeling of the silky crimson fabric that clung to her curves like a second skin. Her fingers traced the jagged edges of the lightning bolt emblem that spanned her chest, the vibrant yellow symbol pulsing with the same crackling energy that now flowed through her veins.

As Ella caressed her newly empowered physique, she admired the changes the Kryptonian strength had wrought on her body. Her muscles were firm and defined, her biceps bulging with coiled power, her thighs and calves rippling with toned strength. Yet despite this new muscularity, her feminine curves remained lush and enticing, her hourglass figure accentuated to perfection by the form-fitting suit.

A smile appeared on Ella’s face. A new superheroine had been born!

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Comments (2)
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Great story. A classic 'stealing her powers' theme, and well done. Good imagery (although a little repetitive in spots) but it had a good feel to it.

Not sure where you are going from here, but I'd love it if Ella developed a sense of compassion...
Great story. A classic 'stealing her powers' theme, and well done. Good imagery (although a little repetitive in spots) but it had a good feel to it.

Not sure where you are going from here, but I'd love it if Ella developed a sense of compassion (also drawn from Supergirl) along with a desire to eliminate the worst criminals or whatever. That she had some heart and not just selfishness as she overcame the 'power rape' of the ring and shared powers with SG later, possibly in intimate ways.

But it could be written many ways.

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Thanks Shadar!

I currently write the stories in my own language, translate them and then I ask AI to improve the translation. This causes the repetitiveness.. it's not ideal, but the stories are more vivid when I do it like this. Before the...
Thanks Shadar!

I currently write the stories in my own language, translate them and then I ask AI to improve the translation. This causes the repetitiveness.. it's not ideal, but the stories are more vivid when I do it like this. Before the imagery wasn't so good because English is not my first language, and therefore I am lacking the words to write a story directly in English very vivid.

I don't know if I will continue the story. It depends on if I will do another commission at TKS for a second part.
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