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Super Tiffany takes the Olympics

Written by Starfurys483 :: [Thursday, 04 July 2024 23:31] Last updated by :: [Sunday, 21 July 2024 06:44]

I finally had time off from work, the past couple of years had been grueling. I worked for one of the most prestigious fragrance companies in the world as a lab assistant. I had gotten the job as an intern in my final year of my Chemistry Major at Columbia. Four years of as a Chemistry Major I was now working on my master’s degree, and later would shoot for a doctorate. But first I needed to make some money, since my college debt was crazy. I was not the best student, so I was surprised when I got offered a full-time position as a lab assistant to the top chemist in the company. I had to go through so many crazy tests including a psychological test. I am fairly sure it had nothing to do with my grades, and more to do with my body. Dr. Rohan was in his fifties, overweight, and always a mess. I was twenty-five when I got the job, and in damn good shape. I played volleyball and lacrosse all through high school and college. I was only five’2 but had a nice tone athletic body. I spent my free time in the gym working out, it was better than going bar hopping for guys. All I lacked was boobs, I got my mom’s B cups, a small modest breast line and admit I had boob envy when all the fragrance salesgirls were in the office. What does a girl with boob envy ask daddy for at graduation? Boobs of course, so now I was the total package for Dr. Bean to look at, tone legs, flat tummy, and a pair of plastic double DDs.

Today I was starting vacation, a vacation of dreams. The vacation I was about to experience was all paid for by the company and unplanned. Three weeks ago, there was an accident in the lab I work in, several chemicals had been released by accident when the beakers fell during an earthquake. I had to spend two weeks in quarantine before they let me go home. Now I was getting a vacation on the companies dime along with the others in my team to Paris, to see the 2024 Olympic games. They gave us a beautiful hotel overlooking the Eiffel Tower. Here I was in the ‘City of Love’ with no one to love. I was sitting on this beautiful balcony sipping a café, watching two people on the next balcony kiss as the sun rose behind the Eiffel Tower, it was like a scene from a romantic movie. When it came to tickets for the games the firm spared no expense, except that it was by random lottery, instead of track and field or swimming I got weightlifting.

The morning of the first event I tried to look as normal as possible, slipping into wedge heels, blue jeans, and a tube top. I put on the newest fragrance from the company, it was still in a test phase, so I was trying it out to see the reaction of those around me. I went down and I sat in front of a little café sipping my coffee when I noticed a tall man six feet standing close to me. His large hands were on the outside of his jeans, he was wearing a leather jacket, a bit odd for a June day. I kept the side of my eye on him as he reached for my purse hanging off the chair. Faster than he could imagine my hand shot out and I grabbed his wrist. He froze and looked right at me, I immediately screamed. The three police officers across the street turned as he yelled and started to run towards us, the man stumbled back onto his ass and then got up and sprinted down the road, two of the officers chasing him, while the third stopped in front of me.

Photo 1 sitting

“Are you alright mademoiselle?” he asked.

“Fine I think, he tried to grab my purse, I grabbed his arm and then I don’t know what happen.” I replied.

“You scared him away; don’t worry we will get him” he chuckled and walked away.

I tipped the waiter a few Euros and off I went to the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles the sight of the Olympic Weightlifting events. Security was tight, even with my VIP pass which allowed me a special tour of the backstage, I would get to see some of the lifters before the events started. The backstages was divided between male and female on two different sides. We moved through the male section first; the guys divided by countries and weight class sizes. Some of the men were skinny, but as we moved along, they just get bigger and beefer. The area was covered with loose dumbbells, barbells, weight benches and exercise equipment. Everywhere we moved guys were lifting something trying to get a nice hard pump before they took the stage. I was near the back of the VIP group alone, so when we stopped in the middle, I watched as one guy wearing red trunks, I think he was Spanish stood grunting as he lifted two 40lbs dumbbells in each hand in bicep curls. He had big think arms, and a meaty chest.

“He beautiful what are you doing back here?” he asked.

“I have a VIP pass, just checking things out. What competition are you in?” I replied.

“I’m a heavy weight.” He lifted his right arm and flexed a huge thick bicep; his pecs jumped a little as he grunted flexed for me.

“Um wow. Big! “Well thanks” and started to stroll away when I felt the hand on my shoulder.

“You’re not impressed little lady?” he asked a sounding a little annoyed.

“Not really. You have big muscles. Do you have a big brain?” I asked.

I stepped back from the man, who clearly towered over me. I am five foot two inches tall, one hundred and thirty pounds of fit muscle but that is about it. This guy is standing at least a foot taller than me and has more than two hundred and fifty pounds of rock-hard muscles. He pointed to the fifty-pound barbell on the floor.

“Come on Miss Un-Impressed I want to see you curl that.” He said laughing.

I might be a lab assistant, but my years of competitive sports pushed me to except his challenge. I walked over and gripped the bar with two hands, I slowly struggled at first and then lifted it off the ground, giving it a firm curl inward towards me, ensuring I kept my balance in my heels. The big man walked forward, he stood in front of me and took one hand and grasped the center of the bar, pulling it toward him away from me. He stood right up in front of me, the bar between us, his big thick chest pressed out, it rubbed the edge of breasts. He glared down at me, with a slight look that he was impressed. He took a deep breath and stepped back.

“Wow impressive little lady.” He announced as a lowered the bar to the ground. Standing erect again in front of me it was then I noticed the bulge in his pants. His trunks too small for his thick lower torso, I could see the head of his now bulging penis pop out the top.

“Up wow, I did really impress you based on your bugle” I smiled at him, as I placed my hand on his chest almost as if to push him backwards, when suddenly his cock exploded, a stream of hot sticky cum shot in the air, some landing right on my breast. He nearly fell backwards, and I was just shocked. I knew I looked good, but I hardly did anything and here he was exploding on me. My thoughts turned naughty for a second, the power I just had, making this guy cum his pants with a light touch and a simple bicep curl. Only one thing I could do to make him want more, I lifted my hand up and calmly scooped the load off my breast and slipped it into my mouth, making sure to keep eye contact with him the entire time. I swear his knees buckled for a second when I did it. I smiled and prepared to leave, but suddenly felt a tingling feeling in my feet, growing stronger in second as it rose in my body. My calves got tight, followed by my thighs, then tummy, then my chest and finally my arms. It was like a burst of energy followed by a massive body shattering orgasm. I could feel my body starting to slowly change.

Photo 2 standing

He simply watched me for a moment, as my entire body seemed to tighten up, my muscles becoming more toned in an instant. When it stopped, I looked at him and then instinctively reached down for the fifty-pound barbell at my feet. I placed my hands on it and lifted it upwards; it felt so much lighter. A moment ago, I struggled, now I had no problem. I pushed it above my head, and without thinking allowed my left hand to fall to my side. The fifty pound weight a moment ago was a struggle to get to chest level I was now holding one handed above my head. He and I were both shocked. I put it down again, and backed away, backing right into another guy, bigger than the man in front of me. He was taller, about six’7. I turned around and my head was buried in his chest. He placed his hand on my shoulder to push me back but did not allow me to fall.

“Excuse me young lady” his deep voice seems to hang in the air like I did something to him.

“Sorry Sir”

“So, you think you’re strong, try something harder than.” He pointed at another bar, close to 75lbs. I walked over to it, slipping both hands underneath. I lifted it up with ease, and curled it back towards my chest, pumping out a curl for him. I could not help noticing he was suddenly excited as well, practically popping out of his shorts. I placed the barbell on the ground, and this time I did not hesitate, I turned around and purposely backed into him, making sure my ass rubbed right against the clearly raging hard on in his trunks.

“On sorry, I really shouldn’t do that” I smirked and placed my hands on his hips, giving him a beautiful view of my perfect double DDs, and like a firecracker he popped, his cock exploded, more cum than the last guy shooting into the air. There was no avoiding it as a load fell onto my thigh. If it worked the first time, why not it a second, I greedily scooped it up and shoved it into my mouth. The feeling was stronger this time, it was not like one body shattering orgasm it was like ten. My calves grew thicker, my jeans tighter as my thighs expanded, my abs tightened into a firm six pack , my chest popped up further looked like a grew a cup and my arms grew noticeable thick veins.


I caught myself in the mirror and admired for a second, shock my head to make sure I was seeing things right. I had a noticeable six pack of abdominal muscles; I looked like I could compete in these games. I do not know what came over me, but I grabbed the bar below me again and started to curl it up and like in a split second I could see his cock poking on the top of his shorts. This time I just dropped the bar at my feet. Gave my muscles a little flex and moved in close to him, I could not resist the urge to grab him, cupping his balls in my hand through the shorts and just giving them a squeeze. Just as I looked down at the cock poking through the shorts he exploded, a hot burst of cum shooting up at me, my mouth wide open, as it hit my tongue. There was so much this time, and it was so warm and sticky. As I swallowed, I felt the urge again, growing throughout my body as I exploded, my six back turned into eight loaves of solid bread, a thick vein popped in my arms. He felt backwards as he exploded this time, he looked spent for a second and dazed before coming to his senses.

Photo 4

By now I had a small crowd of three other guys all of them watching me. I grabbed the heaviest bar I could find, and easily lifted it up over my head with one hand. Clearly, I was stronger, but how strong I had no idea. The biggest of this bunch came right up to me, his barreling chest thrust out right up to the edge of my out pressed nipples. His muscles were much bigger than mine, and he was already sporting a raging hard cock that was much bigger than the last two. It was poking through his shorts, and I was not going to stop myself. I grabbed it through his shorts, and he immediately reacted, his big hand grabbing my wrist and pulling on it. We locked eyes for a second, and then he pulled back, my hand still gripping his cock that was throbbing by now. I flung out of his shorts into the open air, all eight inches of glory in front of me. I did not spare a moment, my left hand grabbed his balls and squeezed lightly as he exploded, his cum hitting the ridges in my abs. Pulling away I simply scooped it into my mouth and waited for the explosion of muscles. It was like magic, everything grew, my abs became twelve sold loaves, my arms tightened and thickened, my tits popped further, and my nipples poked out like diamonds.

Photo 5


Just as my final explosion rocked through my body, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around quickly, shaken out of my trance and there stood a security guard.

“Mademoiselle you must leave now, this is very inappropriate behavior” he yelled.

Instinctively I immediately grabbed his hand on my shoulder and squeezed it as I removed it.

“Don’t touch me, I’ll go” he said as he shrieked back in pain, cupping his hand.

I left the venue as quickly as possible and grabbed an Uber straight to my hotel. Walking through the hotel lobby I tried my best to avoid eye contact with anyone as I raced for the elevator and back to my room. At that moment, I closed the door to the room I was stripping out of my clothes which were falling all over the place as I raced to the mirror. Standing in just my bra and thong I could not help but want to flex my entire body. My muscles exploded, I felt so unbelievable sexy. I had an idea, my eyes started to dart around the room and focused on the curtains. I walked over the window curtains, giving them a hard tug and letting them fall to the ground. Reaching down I picked up the rod and slid the curtains off, leaving me holding a simple metal bar. I could not help myself, I just had to assess my strength. I gripped the curtain rod at both ends a started to apply pressure, to force the bar to bend. My eyes were transfixed on the middle of the bar, as I heard it creak and groan and then slowly began to bend to my will. Bending the bar once close together was not enough I now used my new muscles to bend it back straight. I was beaming with glee at the sight of a steel bar bending to my superior muscles. It was then that I heard a knock at the door.

“Just a moment” I yelled out as I quickly put on a robe and walked to the door. I opened the door and before me stood Dr. Rohan my boss and a large man I did not know.

“May we come in Tiffany?” Dr. Rohan asked.

“Um sure.” I stepped aside as the Doctor and man entered the room. The guy was huge, as big if not bigger than the guys I was lifting with today. He was at least six’8, and clearly well built under his suit.

“How are you feeling Tiffany? Did you enjoy your event viewing today?” Rohan asked.

“Um, yes it was cool. The VIP passes were a nice touch sir” I replied.

“Tiffany, I must confess we were watching you today. The perfume I asked you to try, we were watching its effects.”

“It is effects on those around you. See we have been evaluating you for about a year now.”

“Evaluating me? How so?”

“Well, have you noticed your workouts have been better, more intense, you have been more focused perhaps?”

“Yes, a little, by little over the past six months or so”

“So, some of the testers you have used over the past year have been laced with other treatments, not just a fragrance. Even before today we had helped you with minor boosts in your strength, stamina, endurance, and brain function.”

“How could you do this without my consent?” I stepped forward towards my employer ready to clock him, when the big man stepped between us blocking my path. I looked up at him and stepped back.

“Tiffany calm down and let me explain it. We have been lacing things with drugs for months now, developing you. The fragrance you are wearing was the final part of the test. For anyone who comes in close contact with you and gets a scent of it, mixed with your natural sent causes them to become well aroused. Notice today each time you came in close contact with one of those men, they were aroused in minutes, and all it took was your touch, or simply brush of your body to make them blow their load. Each time you decided to swallow that load, four times from three different men if I recall correctly, you began to manifest their strength. Not just manifest it, your body, feed with the drugs we have tested on you over the past year were a success beyond my wildest dreams.”

“What do you mean?”

“You have barely evaluated your limits here. But if my calculations are correct, you are at least twelve times stronger than the strongest man you, well ingested today. The more men you continued to well ingest the stronger your body is becoming. I am fairly sure you could take Rocky here easily.”

“Hey Doc, I don’t want to hurt the little lady, so keep me out of this.”

“Rocky, she would not be the person in the room getting hurt, you would.”

Photo 7

Rocky stood up, walking towards the doctor, when this time I stepped up between us. I put my hands up to his chest and the lightly started to push. His forward progress stopped, and he looked down at me. I had to look up, but we both suddenly felt the boner growing in his pants as it popped up nice and hard. The doctor’s comments ringing in my ears I did not hesitate this time. A year out of college, of course I could get his dick out of his pants quickly. I just did not stop, as his nine-inch pecker fell out of the zipper into the air, I grabbed it and jerked it hard towards me, a load of cum came shooting onto my abs. Rocky fell backwards on his ass, his eyes staring at me as I dipped my fingers down and wipe the load off my already rock-hard abs and slipped it into my mouth. The sensation was instant, I felt it start in my feet and build up my body, everything becoming tighter, firmer, hard, my muscles stronger and more defined, the robe ripped in the sleeves. Rocky stared in amazement, while the good Doctor just looked upon, his mouth gapping, his own dick rock hard.

“So, I’m like super strong then?”

“Well No. You are the strongest human on the planet, but you are not on the level of a Kryptonian.”

“Not on the level of a what? Kryptonian?”

“Superman, Supergirl, Powergirl, are Kryptonian’s. They have superhuman abilities. I am not sure were Ultrawoman came from, or the Amazon Wonder Woman. But you do not have abilities like them, but yes you are a super strong.”

“Ok, so why are you telling me this?”

“Because we need to conduct one final test tomorrow. We want to see if the fragrance will work on a Kryptonian, like Superman.”

“You want me to just walk up to Superman, hope he gets hard, grab him and make him blow a load for me?”

“Well, I wouldn’t put it that way, but yes.”

I was standing opposite the mirror again when I just stared at my reflection for a moment.

Photo 8


I thought about what the doctor had just said. I had strength well beyond the limits of a normal, and if this worked, I might manifest powers like Superman or Supergirl. I would be a goddess. I looked back at the doctor.

“I am in. What do we do?”

“Just get a good night’s sleep, your tickets for tomorrow will be ready. You have the VIP passes, and just as planned Superman will be in the venue tomorrow to watch and present a medal.”

The Following morning …

I got up and quickly dressed. I was nervous and excited at the same time. My mind was running a mile a minute, so many thoughts coming through my mind as I made my way to the venue for a second day. I took a seat in the second row from the stage watching the main male weightlifting event. I admit I still marveled at the guys on stage. I loved watching their muscles strain and compress with each lift. The American stepped up to the bar, and I felt like now it was time to make my move. I stood up and walked straight for the stage. Two security guards both stepped in my way as I got close to the stage. I was too focused to be stopped, I grabbed both right in the middle of their shirts and tossed them aside. I walked up on the stage as the American lowered the bar having just struggled to lift it. I walked over, placing my hand on his shoulder.

“Let me help you here, because America should always be on the golden stand.”

I reached down placing both my hands on the bar, easily three hundred pounds of weight, and lifted the bar, in one clean jerk above my head. I held it there with ease, before dropping one of my hands, holding the three hundred pounds like it was a paper weight above my head. The crowd gasped, with some men giving me cat calls. The American lifter simply stared in disbelief at me. I placed my other hand back on the bar and lowered it to chest level, and started to curl the bar with both hands, before again dropping a hand to curl the three-hundred-pound bar one handed. Just as I dropped the bar, I heard the swoosh of air.

Standing in front of me was Superman, the Man of Steel himself. He was not as tall as he looked on television, nor as built as I thought it was. He was big, do not get me wrong, but plenty of the weightlifters around us were bigger. The difference, he had superpowers, powers that I was determined to get.

"Miss you can’t be up here disrupting a competition.”

“Hey Superman, I was wondering how long it was going to take you to get here.”

“Excuse me? We can talk about this once you are handed over to the authorities. You will need to come with me.”

I put my hands on my hips. Flexing my body as best I could. My heart was racing, and I am sure he knew it. He reached out, grabbing my arm just below the shoulder. I am sure he could feel my thick veiny bicep as he applied a little pressure pulling me closer to him. I did not resist of course, I let myself stumble into him, making it look like I lost my footing with my heels. My face hit the middle of chest and I quickly looked up at him, my breast rubbing against him. He gave me a look.

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“Pardon me,” he said. You are coming with me.”

There was no stopping him he had Superpowers, so did not resist, I let him place his both his hands on my arms and lift me up, pulling me in closer as he did. That is when I felt the raging hardon in his spandex. His body was tense, but I could feel his cock through his spandex pulsing. He held my arms by my side, but not with too much pressure. He did that on purpose not to hurt me. I had just enough movement that my right hand could grab his throbbing cock through the spandex. I grabbed as hard as I could with as much strength as I could muster. His eyes went wide, and I think he just instinctively dropped me backwards on my ass, almost like a gentle push as his big, huge, beautiful cock burst through spandex into the air. The crowd gave a loud echoing gasp as the largest cock I had ever seen flung into the air. It was a horse cock, must have been fifteen inches long throbbing hard. I did not wait I reacted as quick as possible grabbing the big muscle cock in front of me giving it the hardest squeeze I could. I felt his hand grab my wrist and pull just as he exploded, cum spewing high into the air like a Yellowstone geyser. I saw it shoot high into the warm air and watched as two large globs fell on my arm and breast. I took no chances, I took my free hand and scooped up the load on my chest, turned my head away from all the cameras in the room clicking away pictures and slipped it into my mouth. Superman pulled me up to my feet just as I felt the sensation begin.

It was the most intense sensation I had ever felt. I felt my entire body tighten up further, I looked down and watched as the veins in my arms seem to glow as they grew thicker and hard, my entire body pulsed and hardened. I felt amazing and confused at the same time. Suddenly I heard voices, hundreds of them whispering around the room in my ears. It was in that instance I knew the plan had worked. I had super hearing, but did I have other superpowers? His grip on my right wrist now tightened as he yanked me to my feet. It did not hurt, it just startled me. I instinctively grabbed his wrist with my left hand. I started to slowly apply pressure on his wrist and we both looked down and watched as my left hand slowly squeezed around his wrist pulling his hand off my right wrist. I let go instinctively, but purely out of shock as he pulled his hand back and stared at me. I stood there, hands on my hips and stared him down, as he looked me over, his eyes darting from his hand to my body. I felt a funny sensation for a split second as he looked me over.

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“What is going on here? How did you do that?”

I looked at him funny and decided to simply play dumb. “I don’t know Superman, I guess I just had a good bowl of Wheaties this morning.”

“Young lady this is no time to be funny, you are disrupting these games, and I cannot let you do this. You need to leave now.” He placed his hands on his hips, I felt an odd sound and realized it was his heart rate jumping as he tensed up his entire body, his big thick biceps seemed to pulse as he pushed out his chest. He was not as cut as some of the lifters, but he was Superman and had superpowers. I knew some things were different, I could hear his heartbeat, I could hear the voices of people all around me in a low hush, but clearly, I did not know how to shut any of it out or control it. Then suddenly he moved, in a split second he was right behind me. His big hands wrap amount both of my biceps and pull me back close to him in a semi bear hug, holding me in place. It startled me for a split second.

“Time to come along and I will hand you over to the authorities here in Paris” I felt a little pressure as he started to squeeze my arms before I came to my senses and started to resist. The pressure stopped instantly, as I turned my head and looked at his hand on my bicep. I tensed my body and watched in amazement as his fingers slowly but surely expanded as my biceps grew. His grip didn’t feel tight at all, I started to push my arms out away from my body, I could feel him struggling to keep me in place, his arms tightening, attempting to tighten his grip, but he couldn’t, I gave a final push and my arms were free. I elbowed him in the gut for good measure, watching as he stumbled back and into the stone wall behind us.

I turned around to face him, as he slowly stood up rubbing his sore stomach, and immediately charged at me, arms out to grab me. As quick as lightning evaded the attempt and throw a punch right in his gut knocking him backwards into the wall again.

“I would stay there if I were you.”

His eyes started to shimmer, growing a bright red, as he unleashed a beam right at me, it hit me straight in the chest pushing me back for a second before out of know where my eyes grew bright and I had my own laser beams flying at him, the crowd stood in awe as my brighter beam counter acted him, and pushed it back until I unleashed one hard blast knocking him backwards both our eyes shutting off. His hands flashed to his face; he was for a second blinded. I didn’t wait for his recover, faster than the eyes could see I was on him, I grabbed him by the neck and hoisted him into the air, I started to squeeze his windpipe, his face started to turn a new shade as I increased the pressure cutting off his air supply. Both his big hands grabbed my arm trying to pull it away, but it was no use. He tried desperately to pull my arm away as I choked him. I did not want to kill him, I just wanted to show him who was boss. I eased up the pressure on him dropping him to my feet. The most powerful man in the world on his hands and knees in front of me. He slowly stood up, taking a setback, and stared at me.

“Anything else you want to try? A test of strength? Arm wrestle me Superman.”

I pointed to the table, we both sat down in the two steel chairs. I looked over at a ref and pointed for him to come and count us down. We locked our hands together, the referee counted off to three then released, and the test of strength began. I instantly let my muscles tense and jump has Superman began pushing my hand down, closer, and closer to the cold steel table, the crowd began to roar and cheer as Superman pushed me further down, he was mere centimeters off the steel when suddenly he stopped moving. I smiled and looked up at his face slowly flexing my free arm, I watched as my bicep swelled upwards, larger than I have ever seen it. My eyes shifted to Superman’s face as I locked my grip tighter, Superman let out a groan as I began to squeeze, and slowly lifted my arm back to neutral moving Superman’s big hand effortlessly. I stopped flexing my free arm, reached over and grabbed his other hand, locking him down on the table. Superman was now firmly held in place. Superman’s groan grew louder as I continued to tighten my grip moving Superman’s arm beyond neutral. Superman started to panic as now I was pushing his hand down towards the cold metal table. My eyes laser focused on his face, which continued to show agony as he groaned. I let my bicep pulse a few times, as it grew larger, before I slammed his hand down indenting it in the metal table. Holding him in place for a second.

“Too much for you Superman?” I laughed, quickly releasing his hand, I grabbed him across the table, letting my fingers sink deep into the bright yellow “S” on his uniform. He made no effort to stop me, the look of shock still painted on his face as I lifted him out of the chair and into the air holding the ‘Man of Steel’ effortlessly like a prize trophy. He was looking to shocked to do anything, especially control his raging cock which reappeared in its full glory rock hard in front of me. I just could resist; I was already wet having just totally dominated the most powerful man on the planet. I knew there was no one on the planet who could stop me from what I was going to do next. I took the tip in my mouth and swirled my tongue around. It was two seconds before he shot out a load into the back of my throat little a geyser all over again. He was like my first high school date, Jeff. I instantly felt the sensation tingle through my body, as everything seemed to harden and grow once again. I paraded him around the stage for a moment longer, the Man of Steel being held up by a woman his horse cock hanging out of his suit still rock hard. The crowd stood hushed watching in awe, until the faint sound of clapping could be heard in a distance, growing louder as a man walked own the center aisle of the arena. Behind him stood three more men, two burly men in black suits and Dr. Rohan.

“Bravo Tiffany, Bravo indeed” he yelled.

Turning around I dropped Superman to the stage floor and stared in the direction of the man. Just standing there.

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Superman stood up instantly. “Lex Luthor I should have known.”

I did not know Lex Luthor personally, only seen him on television in hand cuffs a few times. I did know he was Superman’s enemy, but not much more.

“What is going on here? Why are you here? And why are you with Dr. Rohan?” I asked.

“Miss Tiffany, or should I call you Super Tiffany. Dr. Rohan did not tell you?” he replied smiling at me, as he walked up on the stage, now standing between Superman and me.

“You work for me Miss Tiffany. You did not know that? I own the perfume company. Rohan works for me. Rohan and I selected you, we developed this plan, and well from the looks of what I just saw it was a complete fucking success. I finally have developed something that makes Kryptonian’s obsolete.”

Superman stepped back slowly. Staring at both of us with a puzzling look on his face.

“You are collaborating with him?” he asked.

Staring at me and then Luthor.

“Well, she is, except she did not know that. I do not mind telling you since at this point there is nothing you can do to me that she simply cannot stop. She was a lab assistant a year ago to Dr. Rohan, who is not a perfume chemist, he is a bio engineer. For more than a year our beautiful assistant here has been injected, with a variety of performance enhancing drugs. By the time he arrived in Paris she was faster, stronger, more agile, her brain works quicker than the average human. She was not superhuman, but a specimen above the rest of us. Her cells were modified to adapt and continue to restructure and strengthen each time. The perfume she is wearing is an aphrodisiac on super steroids. It makes her irresistible to people, men and women alike. Each time a male blew for her, and she swallowed it, her cells restructured, rebuilt making her three times stronger that the person she well swallowed. When she walked up on stage today, she was the strongest human on the planet, she could outlift anyone in the world times fifteen. Then you came along Big Blue, just as expected. I was not sure the aphrodisiac perfume would work on you, but man did it, and she swallowed it. So Super Tiffany is more like Super Doper Tiffany. She seems to have all your powers multiplied by about six by now. That makes her more powerful than you, Supergirl, Powergirl, Ultrawoman and Wonder Woman combined.” He walked over and place his hand on Superman’s shoulder.

“So, Lex you have made this young lady so powerful, how do you plan to control this.”

“Rocky please come up here.” Rocky climbed up the steps holding a box in his hands and handed it over to Luthor.

Like this, he flung the box open.

“Kryptonite Superman. If it robs you, it will rob her just the same since she has a Kryptonians powers.”

Superman fell to his hands inching backwards as a bright ultra green rock shined out from the box. I just stared at it for a moment but did not move at all.

“Rohan why is she not on the ground in agony like he is?”

“I do not know sir. She should be by my calculations.”

I smiled at Rohan and then Luthor and stepped forward taking the green rock from the box. I held it up, looking it over, as I began to apply pressure to it, the rock crumbled in my hand.

“I’m not a Kryptonian, I’m a human, that shit don’t work on me as you can see.”

“Well Miss Tiffany, I know everything about you. I have studied and read everything about you. So, I know you will follow my lead here.”

“Oh, you do? If you have read everything on me then do you remember the reading the psychological test you had me take?”

“Yes of course I do, you passed its why you are here.”

“What two parts did I score the lowest on Mr. Luthor?”

“Um is it important right now?”

In a split second I was standing nose to nose with him, grabbed his shirt and lifted him effortlessly into the air, so his eyes were directly in front of mine.

“Then you would remember I scored lowest when people lie to me, and use me, you have done both.”

“But I have given you these impressive powers. We can do so many wonderful things together. We can start by riding the world of these aliens.”

He pointed at Superman who was now standing up staring at us.

“Your right, I can rid the world of aliens, but you won’t be here to see it, Express shuttle now leaving earth” I flicked my wrist up and faster than Superman could move Luthor was gone, crashing through the roof killing him long before he burned up leaving the planet.

“I can’t believe you killed him” Superman mumbled.

“Dr. Rohan who else knows about this? The drugs, the formula anything?”

Rohan stepped backwards and swallowed before he answered.

“Nobody does. This was Mr. Luthor and me.”

“Good” My eyes lit up just as he turned to run and incinerated him before he had moved even a step.

“Now Superman we are good. No Luthor, no Rohan. We can go about our day, right?”

“Tiffany I cannot possible, yet you go about your day. You just killed two people.”

I walked over to him, placing both my hands on his large 22-inch biceps and lifted him into the air, slowly applying pressure to his biceps. At first, they offered some resistance before finally it melted away and I crushed them down to the bone. I continued to squeeze them reminding him of my strength.

“Who is going to arrest me? You? We just established my powers, thanks to your tasty cum are greater than you and the entire Justice League combined. Be content that I do not send you on an express shuttle out of here. See you around boy scout.”

I dropped him to the ground; he was rubbing both his sore biceps as I slowly lifted myself off the stage and hovered in place.

“Time to go visit Jeff, I think I need to have a little fun with my first broken heart boyfriend.”

The End?

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