448M | 434M | 96% | free |
14M | 3% | used | |
0 | wasted |
128K | 128K | 99% | free |
1 | scripts | ||
0 | wasted |
1 | 0 | hits | |
1 | misses | ||
0 | blacklist |
100 | 100 | manual | |
0 | keys | ||
0 | memory |
Host | server.superwomenmania.com |
PHP Version | PHP 8.3.10 fpm-fcgi Linux |
Opcache Version | Zend OPcache 8.3.10 |
Opcode Caching | Up and Running |
Optimization | Enabled |
SHM Cache | Enabled |
File Cache | Disabled |
JIT | Disabled |
Startup | OK |
Shared memory model | mmap |
Start time | 2024-09-23T06:19:02+0800 |
Last restart time | 2024-12-04T01:20:27+0800 |
Last force restart time | none |
Uptime | 2 months and 19 hours |
Last Restart | 0 seconds ago |
Used Memory | 14M |
Free Memory | 434M |
Wasted Memory | 0 |
Current Wasted Percentage | 0 |
Num Cached Scripts | 1 |
Num Cached Keys | 1 |
Max Cached Keys | 130987 |
Hits | 0 |
Oom Restarts | 0 |
Hash Restarts | 0 |
Manual Restarts | 100 |
Misses | 1 |
Blacklist Misses | 0 |
Blacklist Miss Ratio | 0 |
Opcache Hit Rate | 0 |